We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like welfare even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like welfare in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
The UK possesses one of the most enviable welfare states in the world. But, trying to understand this area can sometimes be confusing and daunting. In the first of our new series of regular articles designed for the professional in modern social care, welfare rights expert Neil Bateman corrects some of the most commonly held misconceptions
Over the years, myths develop about social security entitlement. Sometimes these arise out of simple misunderstandings about the rules, sometimes they are caused by poor staff training in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). And as with all myths, they can take on a life of their own and be treated as sound legal statements.
Here are some of the myths one comes across
“If you receive Attendance Allowance, you must spend it on your care costs.”
Not sure where this one came from, but it may be linked to a misunderstanding about charges for community care services. People are free to spend (or save) their Attendance Allowance (a benefit for people aged 65 and older who need care or supervision) as they wish. Of course, in reality, many do spend it on care-related matters (for example, paying someone to do their gardening or shopping), but there is no legal requirement to do so. Nor do you have to be incurring care-related costs to qualify for the Allowance; you just have to ‘require’ attention or watching over.
If you receive Income Support, your boyfriend can only stay three nights a week.”
Income Support is the basic means-tested benefit for those out of work and many people rely on it. This myth seems to be a common one affecting lone parents and as they are usually women I have put it in gender-specific terms. Interestingly, the three night rule seems to vary around the country. In some places, I’ve heard of a four night rule and in others a five night rule! Many of us have also personally come across DWP officials saying this.
Of course this three night rule is a myth and there is no legal basis to it. It is a misunderstanding of the rules about living together for social security purposes, where the correct starting point should be for the DWP to decide whether or not a couple (of mixed gender) are members of the same household. This is a quite different and much tougher test than simply looking at the number of nights that someone stays.
“Self-employed people can’t get benefits if they are sick.”
This myth seems to be quite widespread among self-employed people, many of whom have low and erratic incomes. Provided that they have paid National Insurance contributions for the relevant tax year, self-employed people are as entitled to Incapacity Benefit as anyone else. Self-employed contributions don’t count for Jobseekers Allowance but they do for other benefits.
You must be on Income Support to receive Housing Benefit.”
This myth seems to lie in the Housing Benefit rules. People on Income Support who meet the other conditions of entitlement to Housing Benefit (for example, they are liable to pay rent), will normally receive full Housing Benefit. Of course this amount can be reduced if they have certain people living in their home or if they are a private tenant with very high rents (and incidentally, there are some ways round these).
However, Housing Benefit can be paid to people not on Income Support if their income is low enough. And they may even receive full Housing Benefit if their income is at or below Income Support level. Also, Housing Benefit stops if someone goes off Income Support (though there are exceptions to this if they move into work). If the system is working properly, they should be invited to claim Housing Benefit by the local authority when their Income Support stops.
“Students can’t get Tax Credits.”
One of the groups that have gained from the introduction of Tax Credits is students with children. They can now receive Child Tax Credits (as income) if they have children, because you don’t have to be in work to qualify. In addition, student loan or grant income designed to meet the costs of tuition fees, childcare, books, travel and equipment is ignored. Nursing students with children are particularly well placed as all income from the NHS Bursary Scheme is ignored for Tax Credits.
Another group of students who may qualify are those aged 5 or older, who also work more than 0 hours a week.
n Ring the Inland Revenue Tax Credit claim line on 0800 500 , for more details.
Welfare Reform Myths
And while we’re on the subject of myths, this government is firmly wedded to the notion that it can alter people’s behaviour by imposing harsh benefit rules. This is despite objective evidence to the contrary.
Chunks of our benefits system consist of punitive measures. This is demonstrated in the denial of Jobseeker’s Allowance to most unemployed 16 and 17 year-olds (a singularly unsuccessful measure which has not reduced the proportion who aren’t in education, employment and training) and sanctions for people felt not to be seeking work hard enough (which have the effect of alienating them from the jobfinding help at Job Centres).
One can even have a Jobseeker’s Allowance sanction imposed for attending a job interview when looking unkempt. While most of these sanctions predate the current government, they have decided to continue the welfare moralism theme by proposing Housing Benefit sanctions for anti-social tenants.
The proposals are set out in the consultation paper Housing Benefit Sanctions and Anti-Social Behaviour, published on 0th May.
Under the proposals, the Government plans to give local authorities power to reduce Housing Benefit in cases of anti-social behaviour. Two options are proposed � a sanction following Court action and a sanction triggered internally.
Of course, no one wants offensive and unruly people making other tenants’ lives a misery - we have all dealt with such unpleasant people in our time and solutions are not easy. But there are major questions about the usefulness of stopping their Housing Benefit. If injunctions and eviction don’t work, stopping Housing Benefit is unlikely to.
Experience also shows that benefit rules based on moral concepts can easily be inappropriately applied in practice, creating misery and hardship. They are also likely to give landlords yet another headache � rent arrears. Welfare moralism founders on the rocks of pragmatism.
You can obtain a copy of Housing Benefit Sanctions and Anti-Social Behaviour from the DWP at http//www.dwp.gov.uk/housingbenefit/consultations/00.htm Deadline for comments is 1th August 00.
Who says social security is too costly?
The protagonists who would have us believe that social security spending is out of control, spent on fraudsters and the feckless and at the expense of other public services, would do well to study this graph.
Of course, most of this expenditure includes the amount financed through claimants’ own national insurance contributions.
In addition many billions of indirect taxes, such as VAT, are paid by benefit recipients each year, further reducing the net cost to the Exchequer. Even if one adds the £4 billion or so spent on Tax Credits (less than 10% of total benefits spending), expenditure on benefits is well within affordable limits and well below that of many European countries.
When you also take into account the poverty relieving effect of social security and the consequent reduced demand for other services such as health, social care and education as well as the positive impact on consumer spending power, it seems pretty good value for money.
http//www.careandhealth.com/Search/Search_DetailDisplay.aspx?id=714§ion=News 11th october 0
The mixed economy of welfare
The theme of most welfare histories is the coming of the welfare state as though all previous forms of welfare were temporary and incomplete, that it was inevitable Britains welfare should be ultimately dominated by state provision, and that, somehow, the journey is now at an end. However, if we step back only 100 years - and use this as a vantage point to look forward - we would have a very different perspective. In the 1th century Britains welfare was characterised by voluntary provision, with mutual and friendly societies delivering a whole range of benefits. Local authorities and voluntarily run hospitals, together with a national system of panel doctors were financed from health insurance contributions, which were set by the state and collected through mutually owned societies.
If we move back further still we gain yet another perspective of how welfare was delivered collectively, free of the state. In mediaeval times many hospitals were church run, though the word hospital should not be understood in todays terms. Back then such places were communities where the elderly and frail in particular were looked after.
Parishes, the first basic administrative units in Britain, also had a responsibility to their poor. The Elizabethan Poor Law enshrined this right with the practice of sturdy and less sturdy beggars being sent back to their parish of origin ostensibly for help. This system, although modified, remained largely intact until the offensive launched by the Utilitarian reformers. For them, no fiddling with the facts was beyond the pale if it could discredit the old regime. The new poor law of 184 was the result of this campaign, and where the principle of less eligibility was enforced - help in the new system would only be offered if a person came into the House, as the poor law institution was known - a standard of living awaited them which was below that on which the poorest labourer could survive.
Advent of state welfare
Lloyd George did not therefore invent the welfare state. As we have seen it was already very much in existence. But he did, along with a young Winston Churchill, refine the concept and drive it forward into the arms of the state - surprising for a Liberal politician. But we have jumped too far ahead in our story.
...a means-tested old age pension was introduced for those of 70 or more. At the time average life expectancy for men was 48 years!
The 106 landslide victory of the Liberal Government was not based on a programme of welfare reform. Indeed, it did its best not to discuss it. But reform came. In order to protect the friendly societies a non-contributory, means-tested old age pension was introduced for those of 70 or more. At the time average life expectancy for men was 48 years!
National health and a more limited coverage, unemployment insurance, were introduced by the 111 Act. Contribution and benefit levels were laid down by Parliament, but friendly societies and mutually-owned bodies operated the health scheme.
The insurance principle was advanced to finance this new welfare because the Liberal Government was anxious not to raise income tax and alienate the bedrock of its support. It therefore followed Bismarcks lead. In Germany Bismarck had faced even greater resistance to a tax-based welfare. The German Chancellor did not then have the power to levy taxes on income. The insurance principle, now regarded as a crucial aspect of state welfare, was originally met with considerable hostility. Lloyd George won over the initial opposition with his tripartite financing from worker, employer and taxpayer. Hence his cry to the workers of 7d for d.
Neville Chamberlain added to this insurance base with the Widows, Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act of 15. Pensions were paid from 65 and widows benefit introduced. But these inter-war years were dominated by unemployment. And it was the financial chaos resulting from botched attempts to provide income for the mass unemployed, while maintaining an insurance fund, which helped reposition trade unionists, and others, on the question of state or voluntary based welfare. The use of a household based means-test for unemployment assistance added grist to the mill for this campaign.
Enter Beveridge
An enquiry was established in 141 to propose how best to tidy up state welfare. Beveridge seized the opportunity, rewrote the script, and then redesigned the contours of British welfare. The publication of his report was fortuitously delayed. When it was produced in November 14 it followed hard on the heels of the Allies first major victory of World War Two. Implementing Beveridge was immediately seen as part of winning the peace.
The prize was security from the cradle to the grave. Although largely a synthesis of ideas (including Beveridges) which had been around for some time, it was the blueprint for conquering Want, one of the five giants Beveridge declared should be slain by way of post-war reconstruction. Each giant was countered by
· The 144 Butler Act which reformed schooling, the commitment to full employment in the same year.
· The Family Allowance Act of 145.
· The 146 National Insurance Act
· The 148 National Health Act, aimed at achieving that very objective, and established for the first time a national minimum.
But, as always, the world did not stand still. Although for sometime in the 150s and 160s welfare provision did just that. How to finance the NHS increasingly became a key political issue. Insurance benefits were not paid at a high enough level to prevent many pensioners from becoming poor, and by the 170s full employment began taking a battering which it has had to endure until recently. The political caravan had once again moved off in search of new ideas.
There was never a coherent Thatcherite approach to welfare. Following the main haemorrhage of manufacturing jobs in the 181-8 recession (exacerbated by the inept handling of the exchange rate), the formal abandonment of a full employment goal looked like a mere precaution against future political failure. The NHS budget continued to increase, driven upwards by a growing demand set by a combination of rising expectations, by health consumption becoming a lifestyle-type choice, by advances in medical technology, and by a rapid growth in life expectancy.
The NHS budget continued to increase...
Welfare bills were confronted in two ways. Insurance benefits were hacked back with an ever-growing number of individuals pushed on to means-tested support rising from one in six of the population in 17, to one in three in 17. But the biggest savings for taxpayers (paid for by less generous pensions) came in 180 with the switch to increasing the state retirement pension only in line with prices, and not by earnings if these were rising faster - as they invariably did.
By 17 occupational pensions had grown from the modest initiatives recalled earlier into the great welfare success of this country. Alongside these pensions the Tories planted individually owned schemes, known as personal pensions. The advent of these schemes was their major welfare innovation. This advance, however, has been hampered by miss-selling - i.e. persuading people to leave occupational schemes almost invariably against their best interest - often accompanied by the imposition of very high charges and the absence of an employers contribution. Even so, by 17, Britain had more assets owned by occupational and personal pension schemes than the whole of the asset portfolio owned by other European Community schemes combined.
And yet welfare bills continued to escalate in an apparently unstoppable fashion. Welfare was about to undergo another major rethink.
Welfare and character
When welfare was run by friendly societies and mutually owned organisations few questioned the fact that welfare affected how people behaved. Welfare was not simply strictly policed; the range of benefits full recognised the danger that some people would claim benefit to which they were not entitled if the regime was slack. Welfare was seen not merely as a means of meeting a need, but by its organisation, and the means by its delivery, it was conceived as a tool for building good character.
The biblical view of human nature - its fallen status, yet conceived to be redeemed - was lost sight of in left-wing intellectual circles by the 160s. Welfare was by them seen primarily as an act of altruism and this paternalistic view was advanced behind the cover of politically correct statements, so much so that even the Right lost the confidence to mouth, let alone act on, the broader, age-old understanding of mankind.
The resulting paralysis of both will and mind resulted in little concern for how different types of welfare (insurance or means-tested) affected behaviour; and to raise the question of fraud was to be automatically deemed politically unbalanced. Thinking the unthinkable was the task for Labours final years in opposition before 17, and was part of the strategy of making Labour electable. It was never meant to be an activity undertaken in government.
Thinking the unthinkable in Opposition took place across five inter-related areas.
· It was not simply a question of the size and the rate of growth of social security expenditure. The key issue was the growth of means-tested welfare and in particular how this form of provision affected the actions of recipients.
· Welfare was not therefore seen as a neutral agency operating in society. Rather it was one, which, for good or ill, helps determine motivation, shape action and thereby determine character.
· Welfare had to work with the grain of human nature. Self-interest, one of the most powerful of human instincts, had to be the cornerstone around which welfare reform was built.
Mind that the sample papers like welfare presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Friday, 4 May 2012
transsport workers union
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Tim Gillespie,President Local 51
Transport Workers Union of America,
In accordance with the constitution of the T.W.U. Article XIX section 1 we are charging Mr. Tony McCoy, and the entire Executive Board with a violation of the International constitution, Article XIX section 5 conduct unbecoming a member of the union.para,(a) Violation of any of the provisions of this constitution,
Mr, McCoy and the Executive Board had a duty under article XIX section to insure that the charges brought against Mr. Dedina were proper or improper , The charges submitted by Mr. Haussy were not signed they named the wrong union,and they were not exact in nature.
On or about August 11, 00 Mr. McCoy sent certified mail to Mr. Dedina a letter notifing Mr. Dedina that he had been charged by a member in good standing and that after close scrutiny they had determined that the charges were proper and valid.
We also charge under article XIX section 5 par,(g) Wilfully wronging a member of the International Union;
That Mr. McCoy and the Executive Board were derelict in they’re duties by not protecting Mr. Dedina’s rights under the constitution, They’re oath of office states “ to preform faithfully all the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability;”. There can be only one reason that they did not withdraw the charges, they are trained and experienced in these matters and obligated by they’re oath and the constitution to protect the rights of all the membership.
Local 51 Members
Mind that the sample papers like transsport workers union presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Tim Gillespie,President Local 51
Transport Workers Union of America,
In accordance with the constitution of the T.W.U. Article XIX section 1 we are charging Mr. Tony McCoy, and the entire Executive Board with a violation of the International constitution, Article XIX section 5 conduct unbecoming a member of the union.para,(a) Violation of any of the provisions of this constitution,
Mr, McCoy and the Executive Board had a duty under article XIX section to insure that the charges brought against Mr. Dedina were proper or improper , The charges submitted by Mr. Haussy were not signed they named the wrong union,and they were not exact in nature.
On or about August 11, 00 Mr. McCoy sent certified mail to Mr. Dedina a letter notifing Mr. Dedina that he had been charged by a member in good standing and that after close scrutiny they had determined that the charges were proper and valid.
We also charge under article XIX section 5 par,(g) Wilfully wronging a member of the International Union;
That Mr. McCoy and the Executive Board were derelict in they’re duties by not protecting Mr. Dedina’s rights under the constitution, They’re oath of office states “ to preform faithfully all the duties assigned to me to the best of my ability;”. There can be only one reason that they did not withdraw the charges, they are trained and experienced in these matters and obligated by they’re oath and the constitution to protect the rights of all the membership.
Local 51 Members
Mind that the sample papers like transsport workers union presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Schools should not discuss the war in Iraq. ( Agree/Disagree )
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Schools should not discuss the war in Iraq. ( Agree/Disagree ) even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Schools should not discuss the war in Iraq. ( Agree/Disagree ) in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Schools Should Not Discuss The War In Iraq.
( Agree or Disagree ? )
The war in Iraq and whether it was right or wrong has dominated world headlines in the past few months. There has been debate between various nations and the U.N, in Australia there were protests and rallies which involved students and even teachers from schools which took a day off to join in. This raises the question about whether the war in Iraq should be discussed in school. My answer is yes, its to further educate these young people into our society which they will have to learn for themselves when they finish high school and gain their independancy.
Schools are a to educate students to a point where they are able to make their own decisions but more importantly, the right decision. If students where stopped from talking about issues that effect the world then when they step out of high school they will not be able to cope with the stresses of life. If all the kids were to go to school just to learn about what they want to be in the future then the world we live in would be just full of ignorant people.
In a world where adults often think of teeenagers as being ignorant to world affairs here they are showing concern in the unnecessary deaths of the Iraqi people and Americans and its allies. Often teenagers are thought of as being immature and only thinking of socialising they should be educated on issues like the war, thats what turns teenagers into mature and more concerning adults.
If the war was discussed in schools the students have a chance to make a more informed decision on the war because often students tend to think America are the good guys but by discussing this in school teachers are their to give un biased information. Teachers mustve learnt about global issues when they were young at school, or else how is a teacher come to teach in subjects relating to international issues, or how does a politician come about? Teachers cant forget about the fact that these students could be the leaders of the future and they need to discuss these types of issues.
This issue is also not to be taken lightly lets not forget that this a war, not a little arguement! A war is a serious matter in which hundreds if not thousands of lives are lost, those could be husbands, fathers, brothers or even mother and sisters. We need to let our future leaders know the seriousness and more importantly the consequences of war and to avoid it all costs.
In schools nationwide their would be those who have family or loved ones in Iraq, so hearing their stories could change the way some people who feel towards wanting the bad guys (Iraqis) to be defeated. That is the reason why teachers also take part in the rally, they are informed and know the consequences of the war and so should the students.
I do believe discussing the war in Iraq has a relevant significance to the school curriculum because thats what schools are for, to educate in all areas whether it be towards their future careers or about global issues this all effects us and the voices of students who have been informed can be heard. Those voices could be the voices of tomorrows leaders but more importantly the right decisions would be made thanks to the educational background recieved when they were young.
Mind that the sample papers like Schools should not discuss the war in Iraq. ( Agree/Disagree ) presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Schools Should Not Discuss The War In Iraq.
( Agree or Disagree ? )
The war in Iraq and whether it was right or wrong has dominated world headlines in the past few months. There has been debate between various nations and the U.N, in Australia there were protests and rallies which involved students and even teachers from schools which took a day off to join in. This raises the question about whether the war in Iraq should be discussed in school. My answer is yes, its to further educate these young people into our society which they will have to learn for themselves when they finish high school and gain their independancy.
Schools are a to educate students to a point where they are able to make their own decisions but more importantly, the right decision. If students where stopped from talking about issues that effect the world then when they step out of high school they will not be able to cope with the stresses of life. If all the kids were to go to school just to learn about what they want to be in the future then the world we live in would be just full of ignorant people.
In a world where adults often think of teeenagers as being ignorant to world affairs here they are showing concern in the unnecessary deaths of the Iraqi people and Americans and its allies. Often teenagers are thought of as being immature and only thinking of socialising they should be educated on issues like the war, thats what turns teenagers into mature and more concerning adults.
If the war was discussed in schools the students have a chance to make a more informed decision on the war because often students tend to think America are the good guys but by discussing this in school teachers are their to give un biased information. Teachers mustve learnt about global issues when they were young at school, or else how is a teacher come to teach in subjects relating to international issues, or how does a politician come about? Teachers cant forget about the fact that these students could be the leaders of the future and they need to discuss these types of issues.
This issue is also not to be taken lightly lets not forget that this a war, not a little arguement! A war is a serious matter in which hundreds if not thousands of lives are lost, those could be husbands, fathers, brothers or even mother and sisters. We need to let our future leaders know the seriousness and more importantly the consequences of war and to avoid it all costs.
In schools nationwide their would be those who have family or loved ones in Iraq, so hearing their stories could change the way some people who feel towards wanting the bad guys (Iraqis) to be defeated. That is the reason why teachers also take part in the rally, they are informed and know the consequences of the war and so should the students.
I do believe discussing the war in Iraq has a relevant significance to the school curriculum because thats what schools are for, to educate in all areas whether it be towards their future careers or about global issues this all effects us and the voices of students who have been informed can be heard. Those voices could be the voices of tomorrows leaders but more importantly the right decisions would be made thanks to the educational background recieved when they were young.
Mind that the sample papers like Schools should not discuss the war in Iraq. ( Agree/Disagree ) presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Lords of the Flies analyses
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Lords of the Flies analyses even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Lords of the Flies analyses in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
I feel that the theme of the novel was about living in the forest in a primitive manner. After the plane crashed on the island the boys explore the island. They realized that all the adults had been killed in the accident. The survivors were all the children. They were all afraid and wondered how would they live on the island and how would they be rescued. Learning how to live on the island was a difficult task. The children become the savages later referred as the beast.
Ralph was selected as chief. He knew that in order to survive on the island was to have structure and disciple. He laid down some rules for example as to the conch with is power and unity to all. The person who had the conch in his possession was the only person allowed to speak. The sound of the horn was the unity by bring all the boys together to meet.
Problems began when Jack was not selected as chief wanted to gain the power. He did this after Ralph appointed him leader of the army hunters. Eventually Jack had no structure nor discipline with the boys. They felt and realized that they had freedom This made all the boys to become savages and killing the pigs for meat and Simon and Piggy with no remorse.
Toward the end, Ralph is saved by the officer who suddenly appears on the beach. Jack the demon no longer wants to be chief. He does not want to be blamed for all the mishaps that had occurred. Jack tries to be the tough person at all times, but in reality he is weaken to accept responsibility of his actions which would later effect in after being rescued.
What was the beast, and what did it symbolize?
The beast was later learned that the beast actually lived inside the boys. The boys first thought they had was that the beast was an actual creator which was only seeing at night.
It was Simon who had some type of spiritual abilities. This is explained the head of the pig is stuck on a stick. Simon stares at the pigs eyes. He is able to communicated in silence with the pig. He learns that the beast is not some kind of creator, but in reality the beast lived inside the savage hunters. For they did not acknowledge their actions as savages nor the beast. His fear upon learning of the truth about the beast was not acknowledged when he tried to tell the other boys. The outcome was that Simon was actually killed the true beasts.
The beast symbolizes the demon at work. The hunters do not see themselves as savages. They had no feelings nor remorse on any of the killings. They enjoyed the fact they had no rules to follow, but their own instinct. The painted faces had them believing that they were like a tribe. Learning and living on what they had and to make the best of what they had. If they were not saved by the officer eventually this would have lead to the children dying. The beast in reality are the human. This
symbolized by the parachutist.
What was the significance of the conch and Piggys glasses? What did they each symbolize?
In my opinion the significance of the conch was when Ralph was selected as chief, he knew that they needed rules. The conch was used as a horn to bring unity to all the boys for the assemblies.
The symbolism of the conch was the power and unity. The power was explained in the novel that the person who held the conch was in control. He was the only person to speak during this time.
The significances of Piggys glasses were used as a magnifying lens to start a fire. Piggy also had the brains and knowledge on how to ignite a fire. The fired was need to use for smoke signals to be rescued by passing boats or planes. In addition the fire was used to cook the killed pigs for meat.
I feel that when one has to live in a primitive manner and is not come easy. Especially since the boys were in a private school. All the adults were responsible for there needs. Suddenly there are not adults and they have to assume the adult role. Since they were all kids they had no idea as how to act as adult. All they thought about was to play games and enjoy themselves. They had no concept of any survival skills which were needed in order to live on the island until they were rescued. They had no idea as to when this may occur. They also had fun when Ralph would blow on the conch as if he would be calling for the army. The meetings were important to delegate responsibilities to everyone based on their age.
Describe the character of Ralph
Ralph was a fair hair boy, who found the conch. Ralph is selected as chief. He prepared himself to explore the island. Ralph was looked upon as a father figure. The possession of the conch was power to the other boys.
Ralph tries struggles as he tries to have order on the island with the boys. Jack continuously tries to gain the title of chief. Everyone felt that Ralph was a level headed person and would hoping direct them as a civilized as possible. This was very difficult because no one had ever been shown on how primitive life as about.
At one point Ralph takes side with Jack as a demon. Meanwhile Piggy was ignored and frequently teased.
Ralph realized that during on of Jacks hunt that one of the boys was beaten. Ralph suddenly has a change of heart. From being a savage he now has emotional feeling. He can not believe of the fact that Jack had done such thing as to beat the boys.
In addition when Simon as killed it appeared that he felt somewhat responsible for the killing. His only relieve was when he finally went to Piggy for some site. Piggy told Ralph that it was only and accident and that he was not at fault. Piggy knew that Ralph had to believe this in order for him to stay sane. Ralph accepted the concept and no longer was he a vicious villain. He would now focus on how to get everyone to cooperate to hold a fire burning for smoke signals and to make huts during the bad weather.
Describe the character of Piggy. What did his character symbolized in the book?
Piggy was an intelligent boy. He was a fat boy who wore thick glass. In addition his health was not good, because he had asthma. Piggy parents were dead and as living with his aunt. He learned how to be more appreciative of life and what his aunt was able to show him.
Piggy and Ralph were the first to meet after the plane crash. Both of the boys walked down towards the beach and found a conch. Piggy explained to Ralph on how to blow on the horn for sound.
Since Piggy appeared to be a nerd. The boys would always make fun of him, especially Jack. In reality Piggy informed the boys but the importances of the signal fire and to secure some type of shelter for the bad weather. No one would listen and ignored him. The results was a catastrophic forest fire and the death of the little boy.
Jack who was known as the villain stolen Piggys glasses. Ralph and Piggy stand alone at this time. The rest of the boys had joined Jacks army. Ralph and Piggy went to speak with Jack who was on top of the mount. Ralph went up the mountain and left Piggy at the bottom. Piggy was unable to see, no glasses. Piggy was outraged by the fact that he was blind, frighten because he was not able to do anything alone. Piggy sat on a huge boulder and holding the conch. He was waiting for Ralph to return to him. Without warning Roger pushed a huge boulder which went tumbling down the mountain side. As the boulder hit the bottom, it struck Piggy. He was killed. His body symbolized was described as jerking in spasms like a tuck pig. Piggy murder was related to the first pig killed.
In my opinion Piggy would have been a great asset to the boys if they would have maintained order. Unfortunately he was ignored. Soon after the disaster began. As to the other boys they made a judgment of Piggy by his appearance. In reality one should not judge a book by its cover, but to what is inside the book. The death of Piggy was a terrible way to die.
Mind that the sample papers like Lords of the Flies analyses presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
I feel that the theme of the novel was about living in the forest in a primitive manner. After the plane crashed on the island the boys explore the island. They realized that all the adults had been killed in the accident. The survivors were all the children. They were all afraid and wondered how would they live on the island and how would they be rescued. Learning how to live on the island was a difficult task. The children become the savages later referred as the beast.
Ralph was selected as chief. He knew that in order to survive on the island was to have structure and disciple. He laid down some rules for example as to the conch with is power and unity to all. The person who had the conch in his possession was the only person allowed to speak. The sound of the horn was the unity by bring all the boys together to meet.
Problems began when Jack was not selected as chief wanted to gain the power. He did this after Ralph appointed him leader of the army hunters. Eventually Jack had no structure nor discipline with the boys. They felt and realized that they had freedom This made all the boys to become savages and killing the pigs for meat and Simon and Piggy with no remorse.
Toward the end, Ralph is saved by the officer who suddenly appears on the beach. Jack the demon no longer wants to be chief. He does not want to be blamed for all the mishaps that had occurred. Jack tries to be the tough person at all times, but in reality he is weaken to accept responsibility of his actions which would later effect in after being rescued.
What was the beast, and what did it symbolize?
The beast was later learned that the beast actually lived inside the boys. The boys first thought they had was that the beast was an actual creator which was only seeing at night.
It was Simon who had some type of spiritual abilities. This is explained the head of the pig is stuck on a stick. Simon stares at the pigs eyes. He is able to communicated in silence with the pig. He learns that the beast is not some kind of creator, but in reality the beast lived inside the savage hunters. For they did not acknowledge their actions as savages nor the beast. His fear upon learning of the truth about the beast was not acknowledged when he tried to tell the other boys. The outcome was that Simon was actually killed the true beasts.
The beast symbolizes the demon at work. The hunters do not see themselves as savages. They had no feelings nor remorse on any of the killings. They enjoyed the fact they had no rules to follow, but their own instinct. The painted faces had them believing that they were like a tribe. Learning and living on what they had and to make the best of what they had. If they were not saved by the officer eventually this would have lead to the children dying. The beast in reality are the human. This
symbolized by the parachutist.
What was the significance of the conch and Piggys glasses? What did they each symbolize?
In my opinion the significance of the conch was when Ralph was selected as chief, he knew that they needed rules. The conch was used as a horn to bring unity to all the boys for the assemblies.
The symbolism of the conch was the power and unity. The power was explained in the novel that the person who held the conch was in control. He was the only person to speak during this time.
The significances of Piggys glasses were used as a magnifying lens to start a fire. Piggy also had the brains and knowledge on how to ignite a fire. The fired was need to use for smoke signals to be rescued by passing boats or planes. In addition the fire was used to cook the killed pigs for meat.
I feel that when one has to live in a primitive manner and is not come easy. Especially since the boys were in a private school. All the adults were responsible for there needs. Suddenly there are not adults and they have to assume the adult role. Since they were all kids they had no idea as how to act as adult. All they thought about was to play games and enjoy themselves. They had no concept of any survival skills which were needed in order to live on the island until they were rescued. They had no idea as to when this may occur. They also had fun when Ralph would blow on the conch as if he would be calling for the army. The meetings were important to delegate responsibilities to everyone based on their age.
Describe the character of Ralph
Ralph was a fair hair boy, who found the conch. Ralph is selected as chief. He prepared himself to explore the island. Ralph was looked upon as a father figure. The possession of the conch was power to the other boys.
Ralph tries struggles as he tries to have order on the island with the boys. Jack continuously tries to gain the title of chief. Everyone felt that Ralph was a level headed person and would hoping direct them as a civilized as possible. This was very difficult because no one had ever been shown on how primitive life as about.
At one point Ralph takes side with Jack as a demon. Meanwhile Piggy was ignored and frequently teased.
Ralph realized that during on of Jacks hunt that one of the boys was beaten. Ralph suddenly has a change of heart. From being a savage he now has emotional feeling. He can not believe of the fact that Jack had done such thing as to beat the boys.
In addition when Simon as killed it appeared that he felt somewhat responsible for the killing. His only relieve was when he finally went to Piggy for some site. Piggy told Ralph that it was only and accident and that he was not at fault. Piggy knew that Ralph had to believe this in order for him to stay sane. Ralph accepted the concept and no longer was he a vicious villain. He would now focus on how to get everyone to cooperate to hold a fire burning for smoke signals and to make huts during the bad weather.
Describe the character of Piggy. What did his character symbolized in the book?
Piggy was an intelligent boy. He was a fat boy who wore thick glass. In addition his health was not good, because he had asthma. Piggy parents were dead and as living with his aunt. He learned how to be more appreciative of life and what his aunt was able to show him.
Piggy and Ralph were the first to meet after the plane crash. Both of the boys walked down towards the beach and found a conch. Piggy explained to Ralph on how to blow on the horn for sound.
Since Piggy appeared to be a nerd. The boys would always make fun of him, especially Jack. In reality Piggy informed the boys but the importances of the signal fire and to secure some type of shelter for the bad weather. No one would listen and ignored him. The results was a catastrophic forest fire and the death of the little boy.
Jack who was known as the villain stolen Piggys glasses. Ralph and Piggy stand alone at this time. The rest of the boys had joined Jacks army. Ralph and Piggy went to speak with Jack who was on top of the mount. Ralph went up the mountain and left Piggy at the bottom. Piggy was unable to see, no glasses. Piggy was outraged by the fact that he was blind, frighten because he was not able to do anything alone. Piggy sat on a huge boulder and holding the conch. He was waiting for Ralph to return to him. Without warning Roger pushed a huge boulder which went tumbling down the mountain side. As the boulder hit the bottom, it struck Piggy. He was killed. His body symbolized was described as jerking in spasms like a tuck pig. Piggy murder was related to the first pig killed.
In my opinion Piggy would have been a great asset to the boys if they would have maintained order. Unfortunately he was ignored. Soon after the disaster began. As to the other boys they made a judgment of Piggy by his appearance. In reality one should not judge a book by its cover, but to what is inside the book. The death of Piggy was a terrible way to die.
Mind that the sample papers like Lords of the Flies analyses presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
how to be a good liar
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like how to be a good liar even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like how to be a good liar in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
How to Become a Successful Liar
Fact people lie about 0 per cent of the time in a social interaction that lasts more than 10 minutes, one study shows. Another expert says people lie five to eight times a day, and 5 per cent of those liars get caught out!
If you don’t want to be the one caught out, follow these rules.
First of all, always maintain eye contact. You know when mothers say ‘I know you’re lying because you’re not looking at me in my eyes.’ Next time you lie to your mother, look at her in the eyes, she asked for it.
Secondly, remember to blink a little when you’re looking at that person. People know that when you blink a lot, you’re telling a fib; and when you don’t blink at all, you’re definitely lying. The person you’re talking to might believe you if you just blink a little.
Try to cry or get very, very angry when you feel the other person doubts you, even the slightest doubt. Break something. Everyone believes someone that mad.
Always swear to God, or even better, a dead relative, like your mum or something. But remember, as this is crucial � cross your fingers while pledging your oath, and apologise to God/Mum/Dad/Grandma afterwards, other wise you’ll get severely punished � nightmares, beware!
Emphasise each word, e.g. ‘I � SWEAR � To � GOD/MUM/DAD/GRANDMA!!’
Don’t include every detail, but plan your lies carefully. When fibbing, pretend to forget what happened. For example, say you purposely tried to avoid this girl/guy and when she/he questions where you’ve been, say something like ‘Oh, I had so much things to do today! I went there and there, and then I went there and there to see so-and-so. Oh, no, sorry! I went THERE first!! Oh it was such a busy day!’ If a normal person was trying to tell a story, he/she will usually forget or make mistakes as they’re trying to remember the events. If you include every unnecessary detail, people will catch on your “load of bull” very quickly.
Always have a friend or two to back you up in the story. Always say ‘Ask so-and-so, if you don’t believe me. Go call him/her now before you say I called them up to lie to you for me.’ Friends will always back you up whether you’re lying or not.
And remember. Always stick to your lie NO MATTER WHAT!
Another important thing is try not to cover your mouth or scratch your nose or ears. When someone is being deceptive, it’s common for blood to rush to the face. Their nose and ears will get itchy, causing them to rub or scratch them unconsciously. By covering your mouth, you are trying to block the truth. Try not to fidget.
Last but not least � never, ever look to the right after you lie. Liars tend to direct their eyes down and to the right after they told their lies. So, just before you finish your bogus stories, remind yourself to look to the left, or just simply shut your eyes. Do not let the listener see you looking to the right. If you can’t help yourself, turn around before it’s too late. But then again, don’t turn around, they will know.
If you want to become one of the 5 per cent of successful liars, use the rules above, they will get you through without fail.
One last note, if you do get caught out, leave the state, or even the country, you will avoid all the humiliation.
Mind that the sample papers like how to be a good liar presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
How to Become a Successful Liar
Fact people lie about 0 per cent of the time in a social interaction that lasts more than 10 minutes, one study shows. Another expert says people lie five to eight times a day, and 5 per cent of those liars get caught out!
If you don’t want to be the one caught out, follow these rules.
First of all, always maintain eye contact. You know when mothers say ‘I know you’re lying because you’re not looking at me in my eyes.’ Next time you lie to your mother, look at her in the eyes, she asked for it.
Secondly, remember to blink a little when you’re looking at that person. People know that when you blink a lot, you’re telling a fib; and when you don’t blink at all, you’re definitely lying. The person you’re talking to might believe you if you just blink a little.
Try to cry or get very, very angry when you feel the other person doubts you, even the slightest doubt. Break something. Everyone believes someone that mad.
Always swear to God, or even better, a dead relative, like your mum or something. But remember, as this is crucial � cross your fingers while pledging your oath, and apologise to God/Mum/Dad/Grandma afterwards, other wise you’ll get severely punished � nightmares, beware!
Emphasise each word, e.g. ‘I � SWEAR � To � GOD/MUM/DAD/GRANDMA!!’
Don’t include every detail, but plan your lies carefully. When fibbing, pretend to forget what happened. For example, say you purposely tried to avoid this girl/guy and when she/he questions where you’ve been, say something like ‘Oh, I had so much things to do today! I went there and there, and then I went there and there to see so-and-so. Oh, no, sorry! I went THERE first!! Oh it was such a busy day!’ If a normal person was trying to tell a story, he/she will usually forget or make mistakes as they’re trying to remember the events. If you include every unnecessary detail, people will catch on your “load of bull” very quickly.
Always have a friend or two to back you up in the story. Always say ‘Ask so-and-so, if you don’t believe me. Go call him/her now before you say I called them up to lie to you for me.’ Friends will always back you up whether you’re lying or not.
And remember. Always stick to your lie NO MATTER WHAT!
Another important thing is try not to cover your mouth or scratch your nose or ears. When someone is being deceptive, it’s common for blood to rush to the face. Their nose and ears will get itchy, causing them to rub or scratch them unconsciously. By covering your mouth, you are trying to block the truth. Try not to fidget.
Last but not least � never, ever look to the right after you lie. Liars tend to direct their eyes down and to the right after they told their lies. So, just before you finish your bogus stories, remind yourself to look to the left, or just simply shut your eyes. Do not let the listener see you looking to the right. If you can’t help yourself, turn around before it’s too late. But then again, don’t turn around, they will know.
If you want to become one of the 5 per cent of successful liars, use the rules above, they will get you through without fail.
One last note, if you do get caught out, leave the state, or even the country, you will avoid all the humiliation.
Mind that the sample papers like how to be a good liar presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Ground Zero
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Ground Zero even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Ground Zero in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
I was at work speaking with a financial advisor on the phone, when all of a sudden, I hear him yell out “what the hell is going on”. I waited for a minute or two hoping that he would tell me what was wrong but he didn’t. All I could hear on the other side of the phone was him breathing rapidly. I could not help myself, so finally I asked him if he was all right. He finally answered with “a plane hit one of the Twin Towers”; within several minutes all of the televisions around the department had switched to the news channel. Everyone in the department stopped what they were doing and was hypnotized by what they were seeing in the news. After the second plane hit the other Twin Tower I felt that it was a terrorist attack and life was not going to be the same. After the September 11, 001 terrorist attacks, what was once known as the World Trade Center is now called Ground Zero. Where two of the tallest buildings in the world stood is now one big construction site, after the debris and steel have been swept clean. Now, what will we build there?
This topic has evolved within me, due to the amount of media coverage that it has attracted. Everyone wants something different for Ground Zero. It has become a difficult topic and task to figure out. What will they do with 16 acres in lower Manhattan, which is now, considered by many Americans a cemetery. It is not just a construction site it is where hundreds of Americans perished. How should be pay tribute the loss?
There are many competing proposals for new buildings and memorials. Also, there are many viewpoints. “Nobody is going to agree”, said John Whitehead, which was reported in the Ground Zero Sum Game article by Jeff Glasser. This is very true, in regards to Ground Zero; the one thing that everyone agrees on is that nobody is going to agree. Once a plan is in place it is not going to satisfy every American. When I began this project, I looked for sources that would give me a reason to believe what should be done with Ground Zero. I found that there are so many ideas. There are those who believe we should rebuild as it was, there’s others who want to build and have a memorial and then there’s those who just want a monument. I started with the idea that there should be just a memorial without office space. As I started thinking about it more I decided to put myself in the victim’s families’ shoes. I too lost a loved one. My brother died at the age of 5 from diabetes. I was devastated when he passed away. I mourned for a long time but as time passed I was able to slowly forget. I know it might sound cruel to want to forget but that is what I tried to do. I wanted to forget about him because to me that was the only way that I could put him in my past and move on. In doing this project I wondered if the victim’s families dealt with it the same way as I did. I contemplated what effect a memorial would have on the families. Like myself, I am sure that there are families that are trying to put this behind them. Would a memorial help them or make it harder for them to move on with their lives? I believe it will make it harder for them to deal with. As Harriet Barovick wrote in her 60-Second Symposium article, “Those who witnessed the events of Sept. 11 will never forget them, even if they wish to”. I agree with her 100%, not only was there hundreds of lives killed but it was a terrorist attack. This will be in history forever. This is why I do not think it is necessary to have a memorial and they should rebuild as it was.
Mind that the sample papers like Ground Zero presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
I was at work speaking with a financial advisor on the phone, when all of a sudden, I hear him yell out “what the hell is going on”. I waited for a minute or two hoping that he would tell me what was wrong but he didn’t. All I could hear on the other side of the phone was him breathing rapidly. I could not help myself, so finally I asked him if he was all right. He finally answered with “a plane hit one of the Twin Towers”; within several minutes all of the televisions around the department had switched to the news channel. Everyone in the department stopped what they were doing and was hypnotized by what they were seeing in the news. After the second plane hit the other Twin Tower I felt that it was a terrorist attack and life was not going to be the same. After the September 11, 001 terrorist attacks, what was once known as the World Trade Center is now called Ground Zero. Where two of the tallest buildings in the world stood is now one big construction site, after the debris and steel have been swept clean. Now, what will we build there?
This topic has evolved within me, due to the amount of media coverage that it has attracted. Everyone wants something different for Ground Zero. It has become a difficult topic and task to figure out. What will they do with 16 acres in lower Manhattan, which is now, considered by many Americans a cemetery. It is not just a construction site it is where hundreds of Americans perished. How should be pay tribute the loss?
There are many competing proposals for new buildings and memorials. Also, there are many viewpoints. “Nobody is going to agree”, said John Whitehead, which was reported in the Ground Zero Sum Game article by Jeff Glasser. This is very true, in regards to Ground Zero; the one thing that everyone agrees on is that nobody is going to agree. Once a plan is in place it is not going to satisfy every American. When I began this project, I looked for sources that would give me a reason to believe what should be done with Ground Zero. I found that there are so many ideas. There are those who believe we should rebuild as it was, there’s others who want to build and have a memorial and then there’s those who just want a monument. I started with the idea that there should be just a memorial without office space. As I started thinking about it more I decided to put myself in the victim’s families’ shoes. I too lost a loved one. My brother died at the age of 5 from diabetes. I was devastated when he passed away. I mourned for a long time but as time passed I was able to slowly forget. I know it might sound cruel to want to forget but that is what I tried to do. I wanted to forget about him because to me that was the only way that I could put him in my past and move on. In doing this project I wondered if the victim’s families dealt with it the same way as I did. I contemplated what effect a memorial would have on the families. Like myself, I am sure that there are families that are trying to put this behind them. Would a memorial help them or make it harder for them to move on with their lives? I believe it will make it harder for them to deal with. As Harriet Barovick wrote in her 60-Second Symposium article, “Those who witnessed the events of Sept. 11 will never forget them, even if they wish to”. I agree with her 100%, not only was there hundreds of lives killed but it was a terrorist attack. This will be in history forever. This is why I do not think it is necessary to have a memorial and they should rebuild as it was.
Mind that the sample papers like Ground Zero presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Jack Welch and the Ten Commitments of Leadership: A True Human Resource Leader
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Jack Welch and the Ten Commitments of Leadership: A True Human Resource Leader even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Jack Welch and the Ten Commitments of Leadership: A True Human Resource Leader in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Jack Welch and the Ten Commitments of Leadership A True Human Resource Leader
One of the greatest and most effective Human Resource and Business leaders of all time was Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric. Over his 0 years as CEO, he has established himself as the most admired business leader in the world. His initiatives of Six Sigma, globalization, and e-business have defined the modern corporation. He relied on being boundaryless and sharing ideas with all workers, he had an intense focus on people, and he had passion and integrity for GE. The Ten Commitments of Leadership, laid out by Kouzes and Poszner in the book, “The Leadership Challenge”, serve as a guide on how leaders get extraordinary things done in an organization. The strengths and style of such a remarkable leader like Jack Welch can be compared to these commitments with great accuracy, as he has followed them throughout his career and his dealing with people on a day to day basis. By looking at these Ten Commitments and the qualities of a leader such as Jack Welch, we are able to better understand what it takes to be successful in an organization and become better leaders ourselves.
Jack Welch fully embodies the first of the Ten Commitments, which is “Find your voice.” A key element to finding your voice is to clarify your values and express yourself. Jack Welch did both of these starting his first day at GE. “In just one year, GE’s bureaucracy would nearly drive me out of the company” (Welch, p. 0) Jack stated in his book. His values were molded when he received his first raise of $1,000. Jack felt that this was an insufficient raise for all the work had had completed. He then negotiated with his boss, even put in his resignation, and he offered Jack an extra $,000 to stay, a promise of increase in responsibility, and cover from the bureaucracy. This made a powerful impression on a young Jack Welch. His values from this point on were for “rewarding the best and weeding out the ineffective” (Welch, p. 5). Jack had begun his unwavering commitment to his set of values early in his career. As CEO of GE, Jack began to express these values with his own voice. Throughout his career at GE, Jack stuck closely to the idea that rewarding the best and removing the weakest was the only way to run this business. As stated in his book “Rigorous differentiation delivers real stars, and stars build great business” (Welch, p. 5). He has spoken on this view throughout his career at GE, and acted on it in many ways.
The second of the Ten Commitments is to “Set the Example,” meaning a leader needs to build and affirm shared values and align actions with those values. Tremendous energy is generated when the values of an organization are all working towards the same goal. Jack’s values of dealing with his people were shared by all his executives at GE, and eventually his managers too. Everyone was “always fighting to raise the bar” (Welch, p. 5) and focusing on Jack’s need to build great people. In a company with over 00,000 employees and 4,000 senior managers, Jack knew that there needed to be some structure so that standards are always met. He uses the term “differentiation” as his way of looking at his people within the organization. By getting excited and passionate about his people, Jack was able to gain enthusiasm and commitment from them. Jack always worked by the same standards he expected from his people be number one. If an employee was not able to live up this expectation, Jack followed what he said and “removed the weakest.” He began with the Session C’s which are meetings held once a year where each manager discussed the performance of each of their subordinates, and the bottom ten percent are let go. These sessions got many employees involved in the decision making process, which gained their buy in of his values. Jack leads by example and follows his values in every action he takes.
The next of the 10 commitments is “Envision the Future” which was a real strength for Jack Welch at GE. As CEO, Jack knew that in order for GE to stay in business, he needed to be forward-looking and work towards the future. On December 8, 181, Jack made his first speech as CEO to financial representatives in New York City. During this speech, Jack laid out his visions for the future. He said that he will insist upon being the number one or number two producers of every product GE makes. The businesses where they are not in this position will be sold or closed. This was his central idea for the future success of the Company, along with three dominant soft values of reality, quality/excellence, and the human element (Welch, App. A). Jack lived by this No. 1 or No. vision for the future his entire career. “Like every goal or initiative we’ve ever launched, I repeated the No. 1 or No. message over and over again until I nearly gagged on the words. The organization had to see every management action aligned with the vision” (Welch, p. 10). ) Throughout Jack’s career with GE, he stuck to this vision for the future, and sold off all his businesses that fell below number two and would buy other businesses that were number one or number two in a different industry. Jack rarely talked about the past; he constantly talked about the present and the future. He cares passionately about where GE stands today, but, above all else, he wants to determine how to move the company into the future.
Jack Welch and his counterparts at GE all worked together as a team to create Jack’s vision for the Company. The next of the Ten Commitments is “Enlist Others” which Jack was very successful at doing. Enlisting others means that a leader has effectively communicated their vision to their people and has taught them the importance of following this vision every day. “My whole job is people. I can’t design an engine. I have to bet on people” (Slater, p.14). He began to work towards the challenge of engaging the minds of his workers and exploring ways to improve the day-to-day functioning of the business (Slater, p. 146). Jack Welch was striving to create a boundaryless culture that encouraged workers to share ideas and learn from one another. He created Work-Out sessions, where his visions and goals were communicated to all the GE employees. These were workshops that taught workers about the Company, about getting along with others, and working as a team with their bosses (Slater, pp. 154 - 160). This was a very successful way to bring all workers together and get them on board with Jack’s vision for the future success of GE. Jack was a strong communicator and always spoke from the heart. “Whenever I had an idea or message I wanted to drive into the organization, I could never say it enough. I repeated it over and over and over, at every meeting and review, for years, until I could almost gag on the words” (Welch, p. ). The successful employees believed in his values that the best people should be rewarded and the weakest should be removed. Jack communicated these values well throughout the organization, making this a main focus. Jack has made all GE employees carry a small, wallet-sized card that is a list of GE’s core values. “There isn’t a human being in GE that wouldn’t have the Values Guide with them. It means everything and we live it. And we remove people we don’t have those values, even when they post great results” (Slater, p. 5).
The fifth of the Ten Commitments is to “Search for opportunities.” Jack Welch at GE was always searching for new ways to do things and new challenges to conquer. The way to search for opportunities is by “seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve” (Kouzes & Posner, p. 04). A leader needs to treat every job as an adventure and always seek out challenges for themselves and for others. Jack Welch believes in doing the best possible, and then reaching beyond. He calls this business strategy “stretching”, which means exceeding goals. Jack explains that stretching is a way to figure out performance targets that are achievable and reasonable, then raising the sights higher towards goals that seem almost beyond reach. “We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don’t quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done”(Slater, p. 165). Jack Welch was always searching for opportunities to better his business and to better his people.
Jack Welch as CEO of GE was a risk taker. He is one to break out of the norm and improve the way things are. The next of the Ten Commitments is “Experiment and Take Risks” and Jack fully embodies this characteristic. Jack’s revolutionary strategies have made GE the benchmark for today’s global corporation. He took risks with his No. 1 and No. strategy, by selling off businesses and buying new ones; he took a risk when acquiring RCA (NBC) and getting into a business GE knew little about; he took a risk when putting millions of dollars into Crotonville for developing people, he took a risk when creating Session C’s and laying off the worst performers, and he took risks many other times through-out his career at GE (Welch, pp. 100 � 157). Jack Welch experimented and created new initiatives that helped build a stronger GE. He implemented Globalization, Six Sigma, and E-business. Jack made a comment when asked about the risks he has taken; “I would have liked to have done things a lot faster. I’ve been here for seventeen years. Imagine if I’d taken four, three, or even one year too long in making my decisions. I would have had a rude awakening” (Slater, p. 4). Being a risk taker such as Jack Welch is an important part of being a successful leader and accomplishing the 6th of the Ten Commitments
The next of the Ten Commitments is to “Foster Collaboration.” Leadership is not a solo act, it is a team effort. A good leader knows how to collaborate their people and get them to work as teams towards a common goal. They must promote cooperative goals and build trust in their people. Jack Welch believed in a boundaryless organization, where everyone worked together and shared ideas to make the company more successful. He held many team building exercises and classes at Crotonville, he taught his managers to “Act like a leader, not a manager”, and he trusted in his people and gave them decision making power (Slater, p.15). Jack said “We want to be more than that. We want to change the competitive landscape. We want to make our quality so special, so valuable to our customers, so important to their success that our products become their only real value choice.” (Slater, p. 5). As in this last statement, Jack Welch commonly used the terms “we”, “us,” and “our.” This is a major key in fostering collaboration. It is important for a leader to use inclusive language to reinforce the fact that goals are truly collaborative. Jack Welch also believed in a community environment at GE. Everything is open so workers can talk and work together. The offices are set up into pods of four desks, all facing each other, and they are open with no doors to allow visitors at any time. Again, this fosters collaboration by putting workers face to face on a daily basis. Teamwork was very important to Jack Welch as CEO of GE, and played significantly into his success.
Jack Welch believed in the development of his people. This is the next of the Ten Commitments, “Strengthen Others,” which again, was a strong leadership characteristic for Jack Welch. “The way to get faster, and more productive, and more competitive is to unleash the energy and intelligence and raw, ornery, self-confidence of the American worker, who is still by far the most productive and innovative in the world” Jack said (Slater, p. 144). Jack believed in involving every worker in the decision making process. He believed that they had great ideas and by not taping into this resource, the company is missing out on future success. Jack believed in empowering people to make decisions, and empowering them to take responsibility for failures. In 181, when Jack first became CEO of GE, he took on a large project of remaking Crotonville, with the idea that it was going to “remake GE” (Welch, p. 171). Crotonville is a large training facility in Ossining, New York, which is used to give classes on many topics to potential and existing GE leaders all over the Company. Jack spent many of his years focusing on Crotonville and the development of his people. He knew that without some kind of training, his pool of future leadership for GE would be too small, and that could lead to problems. “When all is said and done, teaching is what I try to do for a living. Truth is, I’ve always liked teaching” (Welch, p. 176). Jack also focused on the importance of training by requiring the leadership of the company to be black-belt certified. On January 1st of 18, Jack sent out a fax to managers around the company, stating that one must have started green belt or black belt training in order to be promoted to senior management. It also stated that on January 1st of 1, all of GE’s “professional” employees must have begun green belt or black belt training. Jack’s message was clear “If you don’t have a belt, you won’t be promoted” (Slater, p. 1). This verifies that training, development, and “strengthening others” were extremely important to Jack Welch, which is yet another commitment that made him a phenomenal leader.
The next of the Ten Commitments is to “Recognize Contributions” which Jack Welch did in numerous different ways throughout his career at GE. Only when constituents feel appreciated by their leaders do they put forth extraordinary effort. Those employees who do not feel that their work is appreciated will harness a feeling of anger and therefore not perform to the best of their capabilities. Jack Welch knew this, and he took care of his people for a job well done. Again, this goes back to Jack’s view of “rewarding the best and weeding out the ineffective.” (Welch, p. 5). To Jack, rewarding the best meant giving them promotions to better positions, stock options, salary raises, and other substantial gifts as a thank you’s for good performance and as insurance that they will perform that well again. He would never hesitate to tell an employee they were doing a great job, or thank them for their hard work. All of the executives that worked closely with Jack throughout his career have been given hand written thank you letters from Jack when they did something spectacular. An excerpt from an article mentioned a letter that Jack wrote to an employee; ‘‘Bill, wrote Welch, we like you for a lot of reasons--one of them is that you are a very special person. You proved it again this morning. Good for you and your lucky family. Make Diamonds a great business and keep your priorities straight. To Bill Woodburn, the note was an important gesture. It showed me he cared about me not as a manager but as a person, he says. That means a lot (Abbott). Employees even sometimes received an expensive surprise at their front door, for example, William J. Conaty, one manager who had to make a presentation before Welch was so jittery he was shaking. It was the first time he had met Welch in his career. Im so nervous, the manager confessed to Welch. And my wife has told me shell throw me out of the house if I cant get through this presentation. At days end, when Welch was back on the corporate plane, he immediately arranged for a dozen roses and a bottle of Dom Perignon to be delivered to the mans home. He then penned a note to the wife Your husband did a fantastic job today. Were sorry we put him and you through this for a couple of weeks (Abbott). Jack Welch was not afraid to give recognition when it was due, and he made everyone aware of the accomplishments of others, so people could learn from each other’s successes
The last of the Ten Commitments is to “Celebrate the Values and Victories.” Celebrations are one of the most significant ways to proclaim respect and gratitude, to renew a sense of community, and to remind people of the values and history that bind the organization together. Jack Welch believed in celebrating and having fun at work. At Crotonville, Jack would typically ask his students “Are you celebrating enough?” The students typically told him no. Jack would push back at them and encourage them to begin celebrating within their teams “You have to consider yourself the manager of celebrations. It can be a keg of beer or a dinner for two” (Welch, p. 87). Jack Welch always said that business has to be fun. He believed that celebrations are a great way to energize an organization. GE continues to have many events and celebrations for all employees and sometimes their families to participate in. “GE Days” happens once every two years, where all employees and their families can come onto GE property and tour the manufacturing plants and see the offices where their family member works. Each department within GE is encouraged to have picnics and parties to celebrate victories. Jack allowed money in the budget for these kinds of celebrations, and made sure that the departments were using the money to do so. Jack purchased parks and golf courses to be used by GE employees, and he encouraged and allowed employees to have golf outings during what should have been a normal business day (Welch, p. 67). Jack Welch thoroughly believed in creating a fun work environment, and allowing everyone to celebrate when they were successful.
Jack Welch embodies all of the Ten Commitments necessary for a strong leader to be successful. But no one is perfect, and Jack Welch did have his faults. During his early restructuring efforts of GE, he won the name of “Neutron Jack” from the media, which was an allusion to the neutron bomb that eliminates people but leaves the building standing. Jack hated the name because it suggested that he had been unfair to his employees, and that he had pushed them into the streets without a way to make a living. (Slater, p. 64). Within Jack’s first five years as CEO, one of every four people would leave the GE payroll. This made for 118,000 people in all, including 7,000 employees in businesses that were sold. What upset people even more was that Jack was investing millions of dollars in fitness centers, guesthouses, and conference centers. This was a hard time for Jack, but he kept doing what he felt was right for GE. This legendary chairman of GE was known to have a “take-no-prisoners” tough guy persona and gets results at any cost. He does this through sheer force of personality, passion for winning, and a sharp attention to details many leaders would simply overlook. Jack says he does it because, above all else, hes a fierce believer in the power of his people (Abbott). But this attitude intimidated many employees in the company. This made them afraid to approach Welch, and sometimes even scared them enough to leave the company. His brut honesty with poor performers would leave some employees with burnt egos. So there were some faults in Jack Welch’s leadership skills, although they had little effect on his ability to make General Electric successful.
From reading several books on Jack Welch and having several friends that work at GE, I became intrigued with his integrity, intelligence, and passion for the people within the GE organization. He truly redesigned the way an organization treats and values their employees. His focus was on people all throughout his career, and his main focus was on having the number one people, because with the number one people you can have the number one company. “We build great people, who then build great products and services” (Welch, p.157). I found Jack’s commitment to training and developing employees to be the one of the Ten Commitments that stood out and really made Jack Welch a unique leader. “I’m over the top on lots of issues, but none comes as close to the passion I have for making people GE’s core competency” (Welch, p. 156). Jack got involved with teaching and facilitating classes for managers and executives at Crotonville every year of his tenure with GE. I think this is so important for a successful leader to get in front of their people and talk about their values and visions and teach the people to go out and inspire others to follow the visions as well. I was also very interested in his ideas of “rewarding the best and weeding out the ineffective” (Welch, p.5). Differentiation was a very interesting concept for me, and I think this idea is a large reason that GE has been so successful and remained highly competitive in its industries. Jack divides people into A, B, and C players, and C players are the ones that will be let go from the Company. Jack’s philosophy is to get rid of the bottom 10%, meaning the least effective performers in the organization. To me, this is the way all businesses should be run. Being employed is a privilege, not a right, so if someone is not performing, they lose the privilege of earning money at that company. It just makes sense, and Jack Welch is one of the few leaders that truly understand the importance of this philosophy and stands by it 100%. I think there are many ways in which Jack Welch was a successful leader. His drive and ambition, his creative ideas, his structured leadership style, and his use of his people all made him one of the most admired business leaders in the world. There is so much more to say about Jack Welch and his success at GE, but I will end it with a comment straight from the horse’s mouth. This place runs by its great people, says Welch. The biggest accomplishment Ive had is to find great people. An army of them. They are all better than most CEOs. They are big hitters, and they seem to thrive here (Abbott).
J. Abbott, “How Jack Welch Runs GE,” Business Week Online Archives, May 8, 18.
J. Kouzes and B. Posner, The Leadership Challenge, Jossey-bass, 00 (Third Edition).
R. Slater, Jack Welch and the GE Way, McGraw-Hill, 1.
J. Welch and J. Byrne, Jack Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, 001.
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Jack Welch and the Ten Commitments of Leadership A True Human Resource Leader
One of the greatest and most effective Human Resource and Business leaders of all time was Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric. Over his 0 years as CEO, he has established himself as the most admired business leader in the world. His initiatives of Six Sigma, globalization, and e-business have defined the modern corporation. He relied on being boundaryless and sharing ideas with all workers, he had an intense focus on people, and he had passion and integrity for GE. The Ten Commitments of Leadership, laid out by Kouzes and Poszner in the book, “The Leadership Challenge”, serve as a guide on how leaders get extraordinary things done in an organization. The strengths and style of such a remarkable leader like Jack Welch can be compared to these commitments with great accuracy, as he has followed them throughout his career and his dealing with people on a day to day basis. By looking at these Ten Commitments and the qualities of a leader such as Jack Welch, we are able to better understand what it takes to be successful in an organization and become better leaders ourselves.
Jack Welch fully embodies the first of the Ten Commitments, which is “Find your voice.” A key element to finding your voice is to clarify your values and express yourself. Jack Welch did both of these starting his first day at GE. “In just one year, GE’s bureaucracy would nearly drive me out of the company” (Welch, p. 0) Jack stated in his book. His values were molded when he received his first raise of $1,000. Jack felt that this was an insufficient raise for all the work had had completed. He then negotiated with his boss, even put in his resignation, and he offered Jack an extra $,000 to stay, a promise of increase in responsibility, and cover from the bureaucracy. This made a powerful impression on a young Jack Welch. His values from this point on were for “rewarding the best and weeding out the ineffective” (Welch, p. 5). Jack had begun his unwavering commitment to his set of values early in his career. As CEO of GE, Jack began to express these values with his own voice. Throughout his career at GE, Jack stuck closely to the idea that rewarding the best and removing the weakest was the only way to run this business. As stated in his book “Rigorous differentiation delivers real stars, and stars build great business” (Welch, p. 5). He has spoken on this view throughout his career at GE, and acted on it in many ways.
The second of the Ten Commitments is to “Set the Example,” meaning a leader needs to build and affirm shared values and align actions with those values. Tremendous energy is generated when the values of an organization are all working towards the same goal. Jack’s values of dealing with his people were shared by all his executives at GE, and eventually his managers too. Everyone was “always fighting to raise the bar” (Welch, p. 5) and focusing on Jack’s need to build great people. In a company with over 00,000 employees and 4,000 senior managers, Jack knew that there needed to be some structure so that standards are always met. He uses the term “differentiation” as his way of looking at his people within the organization. By getting excited and passionate about his people, Jack was able to gain enthusiasm and commitment from them. Jack always worked by the same standards he expected from his people be number one. If an employee was not able to live up this expectation, Jack followed what he said and “removed the weakest.” He began with the Session C’s which are meetings held once a year where each manager discussed the performance of each of their subordinates, and the bottom ten percent are let go. These sessions got many employees involved in the decision making process, which gained their buy in of his values. Jack leads by example and follows his values in every action he takes.
The next of the 10 commitments is “Envision the Future” which was a real strength for Jack Welch at GE. As CEO, Jack knew that in order for GE to stay in business, he needed to be forward-looking and work towards the future. On December 8, 181, Jack made his first speech as CEO to financial representatives in New York City. During this speech, Jack laid out his visions for the future. He said that he will insist upon being the number one or number two producers of every product GE makes. The businesses where they are not in this position will be sold or closed. This was his central idea for the future success of the Company, along with three dominant soft values of reality, quality/excellence, and the human element (Welch, App. A). Jack lived by this No. 1 or No. vision for the future his entire career. “Like every goal or initiative we’ve ever launched, I repeated the No. 1 or No. message over and over again until I nearly gagged on the words. The organization had to see every management action aligned with the vision” (Welch, p. 10). ) Throughout Jack’s career with GE, he stuck to this vision for the future, and sold off all his businesses that fell below number two and would buy other businesses that were number one or number two in a different industry. Jack rarely talked about the past; he constantly talked about the present and the future. He cares passionately about where GE stands today, but, above all else, he wants to determine how to move the company into the future.
Jack Welch and his counterparts at GE all worked together as a team to create Jack’s vision for the Company. The next of the Ten Commitments is “Enlist Others” which Jack was very successful at doing. Enlisting others means that a leader has effectively communicated their vision to their people and has taught them the importance of following this vision every day. “My whole job is people. I can’t design an engine. I have to bet on people” (Slater, p.14). He began to work towards the challenge of engaging the minds of his workers and exploring ways to improve the day-to-day functioning of the business (Slater, p. 146). Jack Welch was striving to create a boundaryless culture that encouraged workers to share ideas and learn from one another. He created Work-Out sessions, where his visions and goals were communicated to all the GE employees. These were workshops that taught workers about the Company, about getting along with others, and working as a team with their bosses (Slater, pp. 154 - 160). This was a very successful way to bring all workers together and get them on board with Jack’s vision for the future success of GE. Jack was a strong communicator and always spoke from the heart. “Whenever I had an idea or message I wanted to drive into the organization, I could never say it enough. I repeated it over and over and over, at every meeting and review, for years, until I could almost gag on the words” (Welch, p. ). The successful employees believed in his values that the best people should be rewarded and the weakest should be removed. Jack communicated these values well throughout the organization, making this a main focus. Jack has made all GE employees carry a small, wallet-sized card that is a list of GE’s core values. “There isn’t a human being in GE that wouldn’t have the Values Guide with them. It means everything and we live it. And we remove people we don’t have those values, even when they post great results” (Slater, p. 5).
The fifth of the Ten Commitments is to “Search for opportunities.” Jack Welch at GE was always searching for new ways to do things and new challenges to conquer. The way to search for opportunities is by “seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve” (Kouzes & Posner, p. 04). A leader needs to treat every job as an adventure and always seek out challenges for themselves and for others. Jack Welch believes in doing the best possible, and then reaching beyond. He calls this business strategy “stretching”, which means exceeding goals. Jack explains that stretching is a way to figure out performance targets that are achievable and reasonable, then raising the sights higher towards goals that seem almost beyond reach. “We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don’t quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done”(Slater, p. 165). Jack Welch was always searching for opportunities to better his business and to better his people.
Jack Welch as CEO of GE was a risk taker. He is one to break out of the norm and improve the way things are. The next of the Ten Commitments is “Experiment and Take Risks” and Jack fully embodies this characteristic. Jack’s revolutionary strategies have made GE the benchmark for today’s global corporation. He took risks with his No. 1 and No. strategy, by selling off businesses and buying new ones; he took a risk when acquiring RCA (NBC) and getting into a business GE knew little about; he took a risk when putting millions of dollars into Crotonville for developing people, he took a risk when creating Session C’s and laying off the worst performers, and he took risks many other times through-out his career at GE (Welch, pp. 100 � 157). Jack Welch experimented and created new initiatives that helped build a stronger GE. He implemented Globalization, Six Sigma, and E-business. Jack made a comment when asked about the risks he has taken; “I would have liked to have done things a lot faster. I’ve been here for seventeen years. Imagine if I’d taken four, three, or even one year too long in making my decisions. I would have had a rude awakening” (Slater, p. 4). Being a risk taker such as Jack Welch is an important part of being a successful leader and accomplishing the 6th of the Ten Commitments
The next of the Ten Commitments is to “Foster Collaboration.” Leadership is not a solo act, it is a team effort. A good leader knows how to collaborate their people and get them to work as teams towards a common goal. They must promote cooperative goals and build trust in their people. Jack Welch believed in a boundaryless organization, where everyone worked together and shared ideas to make the company more successful. He held many team building exercises and classes at Crotonville, he taught his managers to “Act like a leader, not a manager”, and he trusted in his people and gave them decision making power (Slater, p.15). Jack said “We want to be more than that. We want to change the competitive landscape. We want to make our quality so special, so valuable to our customers, so important to their success that our products become their only real value choice.” (Slater, p. 5). As in this last statement, Jack Welch commonly used the terms “we”, “us,” and “our.” This is a major key in fostering collaboration. It is important for a leader to use inclusive language to reinforce the fact that goals are truly collaborative. Jack Welch also believed in a community environment at GE. Everything is open so workers can talk and work together. The offices are set up into pods of four desks, all facing each other, and they are open with no doors to allow visitors at any time. Again, this fosters collaboration by putting workers face to face on a daily basis. Teamwork was very important to Jack Welch as CEO of GE, and played significantly into his success.
Jack Welch believed in the development of his people. This is the next of the Ten Commitments, “Strengthen Others,” which again, was a strong leadership characteristic for Jack Welch. “The way to get faster, and more productive, and more competitive is to unleash the energy and intelligence and raw, ornery, self-confidence of the American worker, who is still by far the most productive and innovative in the world” Jack said (Slater, p. 144). Jack believed in involving every worker in the decision making process. He believed that they had great ideas and by not taping into this resource, the company is missing out on future success. Jack believed in empowering people to make decisions, and empowering them to take responsibility for failures. In 181, when Jack first became CEO of GE, he took on a large project of remaking Crotonville, with the idea that it was going to “remake GE” (Welch, p. 171). Crotonville is a large training facility in Ossining, New York, which is used to give classes on many topics to potential and existing GE leaders all over the Company. Jack spent many of his years focusing on Crotonville and the development of his people. He knew that without some kind of training, his pool of future leadership for GE would be too small, and that could lead to problems. “When all is said and done, teaching is what I try to do for a living. Truth is, I’ve always liked teaching” (Welch, p. 176). Jack also focused on the importance of training by requiring the leadership of the company to be black-belt certified. On January 1st of 18, Jack sent out a fax to managers around the company, stating that one must have started green belt or black belt training in order to be promoted to senior management. It also stated that on January 1st of 1, all of GE’s “professional” employees must have begun green belt or black belt training. Jack’s message was clear “If you don’t have a belt, you won’t be promoted” (Slater, p. 1). This verifies that training, development, and “strengthening others” were extremely important to Jack Welch, which is yet another commitment that made him a phenomenal leader.
The next of the Ten Commitments is to “Recognize Contributions” which Jack Welch did in numerous different ways throughout his career at GE. Only when constituents feel appreciated by their leaders do they put forth extraordinary effort. Those employees who do not feel that their work is appreciated will harness a feeling of anger and therefore not perform to the best of their capabilities. Jack Welch knew this, and he took care of his people for a job well done. Again, this goes back to Jack’s view of “rewarding the best and weeding out the ineffective.” (Welch, p. 5). To Jack, rewarding the best meant giving them promotions to better positions, stock options, salary raises, and other substantial gifts as a thank you’s for good performance and as insurance that they will perform that well again. He would never hesitate to tell an employee they were doing a great job, or thank them for their hard work. All of the executives that worked closely with Jack throughout his career have been given hand written thank you letters from Jack when they did something spectacular. An excerpt from an article mentioned a letter that Jack wrote to an employee; ‘‘Bill, wrote Welch, we like you for a lot of reasons--one of them is that you are a very special person. You proved it again this morning. Good for you and your lucky family. Make Diamonds a great business and keep your priorities straight. To Bill Woodburn, the note was an important gesture. It showed me he cared about me not as a manager but as a person, he says. That means a lot (Abbott). Employees even sometimes received an expensive surprise at their front door, for example, William J. Conaty, one manager who had to make a presentation before Welch was so jittery he was shaking. It was the first time he had met Welch in his career. Im so nervous, the manager confessed to Welch. And my wife has told me shell throw me out of the house if I cant get through this presentation. At days end, when Welch was back on the corporate plane, he immediately arranged for a dozen roses and a bottle of Dom Perignon to be delivered to the mans home. He then penned a note to the wife Your husband did a fantastic job today. Were sorry we put him and you through this for a couple of weeks (Abbott). Jack Welch was not afraid to give recognition when it was due, and he made everyone aware of the accomplishments of others, so people could learn from each other’s successes
The last of the Ten Commitments is to “Celebrate the Values and Victories.” Celebrations are one of the most significant ways to proclaim respect and gratitude, to renew a sense of community, and to remind people of the values and history that bind the organization together. Jack Welch believed in celebrating and having fun at work. At Crotonville, Jack would typically ask his students “Are you celebrating enough?” The students typically told him no. Jack would push back at them and encourage them to begin celebrating within their teams “You have to consider yourself the manager of celebrations. It can be a keg of beer or a dinner for two” (Welch, p. 87). Jack Welch always said that business has to be fun. He believed that celebrations are a great way to energize an organization. GE continues to have many events and celebrations for all employees and sometimes their families to participate in. “GE Days” happens once every two years, where all employees and their families can come onto GE property and tour the manufacturing plants and see the offices where their family member works. Each department within GE is encouraged to have picnics and parties to celebrate victories. Jack allowed money in the budget for these kinds of celebrations, and made sure that the departments were using the money to do so. Jack purchased parks and golf courses to be used by GE employees, and he encouraged and allowed employees to have golf outings during what should have been a normal business day (Welch, p. 67). Jack Welch thoroughly believed in creating a fun work environment, and allowing everyone to celebrate when they were successful.
Jack Welch embodies all of the Ten Commitments necessary for a strong leader to be successful. But no one is perfect, and Jack Welch did have his faults. During his early restructuring efforts of GE, he won the name of “Neutron Jack” from the media, which was an allusion to the neutron bomb that eliminates people but leaves the building standing. Jack hated the name because it suggested that he had been unfair to his employees, and that he had pushed them into the streets without a way to make a living. (Slater, p. 64). Within Jack’s first five years as CEO, one of every four people would leave the GE payroll. This made for 118,000 people in all, including 7,000 employees in businesses that were sold. What upset people even more was that Jack was investing millions of dollars in fitness centers, guesthouses, and conference centers. This was a hard time for Jack, but he kept doing what he felt was right for GE. This legendary chairman of GE was known to have a “take-no-prisoners” tough guy persona and gets results at any cost. He does this through sheer force of personality, passion for winning, and a sharp attention to details many leaders would simply overlook. Jack says he does it because, above all else, hes a fierce believer in the power of his people (Abbott). But this attitude intimidated many employees in the company. This made them afraid to approach Welch, and sometimes even scared them enough to leave the company. His brut honesty with poor performers would leave some employees with burnt egos. So there were some faults in Jack Welch’s leadership skills, although they had little effect on his ability to make General Electric successful.
From reading several books on Jack Welch and having several friends that work at GE, I became intrigued with his integrity, intelligence, and passion for the people within the GE organization. He truly redesigned the way an organization treats and values their employees. His focus was on people all throughout his career, and his main focus was on having the number one people, because with the number one people you can have the number one company. “We build great people, who then build great products and services” (Welch, p.157). I found Jack’s commitment to training and developing employees to be the one of the Ten Commitments that stood out and really made Jack Welch a unique leader. “I’m over the top on lots of issues, but none comes as close to the passion I have for making people GE’s core competency” (Welch, p. 156). Jack got involved with teaching and facilitating classes for managers and executives at Crotonville every year of his tenure with GE. I think this is so important for a successful leader to get in front of their people and talk about their values and visions and teach the people to go out and inspire others to follow the visions as well. I was also very interested in his ideas of “rewarding the best and weeding out the ineffective” (Welch, p.5). Differentiation was a very interesting concept for me, and I think this idea is a large reason that GE has been so successful and remained highly competitive in its industries. Jack divides people into A, B, and C players, and C players are the ones that will be let go from the Company. Jack’s philosophy is to get rid of the bottom 10%, meaning the least effective performers in the organization. To me, this is the way all businesses should be run. Being employed is a privilege, not a right, so if someone is not performing, they lose the privilege of earning money at that company. It just makes sense, and Jack Welch is one of the few leaders that truly understand the importance of this philosophy and stands by it 100%. I think there are many ways in which Jack Welch was a successful leader. His drive and ambition, his creative ideas, his structured leadership style, and his use of his people all made him one of the most admired business leaders in the world. There is so much more to say about Jack Welch and his success at GE, but I will end it with a comment straight from the horse’s mouth. This place runs by its great people, says Welch. The biggest accomplishment Ive had is to find great people. An army of them. They are all better than most CEOs. They are big hitters, and they seem to thrive here (Abbott).
J. Abbott, “How Jack Welch Runs GE,” Business Week Online Archives, May 8, 18.
J. Kouzes and B. Posner, The Leadership Challenge, Jossey-bass, 00 (Third Edition).
R. Slater, Jack Welch and the GE Way, McGraw-Hill, 1.
J. Welch and J. Byrne, Jack Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, 001.
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