Saturday 11 August 2012


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It was once said by Henry Moore that he ‘combined in his personality the best qualities of the entire human being with those of the creative man of imaginative intelligence’, and that we could therefore find no better ambassador for the human race. Perhaps it’s the humanity of Moore’s work that makes it reachable to such a wide audience.

His studies at the Leeds College of art which he enrolled in 11 and the Royal college of art in London allowed him to pursue more ambitious projects. Visiting Sir Michael’s Sadler’s collection in Leeds, the young Moore saw works by Paul C�zanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Piccasso juxtaposed with collection of ancient and tribal art.

In 1 Henry Moore developed his interest in direct carving and was influenced by Eric Gill, Jacob Epstein and Henri Gaudier-Brzaska

Michelangelo was also a favourite sculptor of Moore’s ever since he heard a story about him in Sunday School at a young age.

You can see the influence of African art style in such works as Mask which was made in 17. This would become the type of artwork that would remain constant throughout his life.

The strong angled planes and compact strength of the marble Dog.

As the slaves created by Michelangelo struggle to free themselves from the marble blocks in which they were imprisoned, so Moore’s Two heads appear to be forcing their way out of their block, this sculpture provides an example of his lifelong interest in the power and vitality evoked by forms that seem to press outwards from the inside.

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