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Power Play
Shakespeare- Julius Caesar
‘The nature of power play extends to all levels of human interaction’
Discuss the statement referring closely to your prescribed text and to other related texts that you have chosen.
- Power, and the lust for, is a biological characteristic borne in every human.
Therefore, consciously or subconsciously, everything we do revolves around the desire for power and the benefits that accompany it.
Point 1-
All characters have their own ambitions- some cross others stay on their course.
When they cross the potence of Power is so strong that people are caught in the ‘firing line.’
These are not victims of murderers; they are victims of Power, because Power drove the people to disregard value for human life.
Supporting Material- “Power reality means more anger, more bombs’- SMH
This shows how when power paths cross- the result is often fatal. People are essentially strung by their OWN ambitions, with no regard for others. This is a biological characteristic that accompanies power.
Part -
Is powerplay just a game? People die, so no- it is one of our fatal flaws.
Shakespeare conveys this anti-Power attitude when Caesar- the most powerful man on Earth, dies a victims death (as opposed to an Emperors death.) This proves that Shakespeare knew of the seriousness of Power, and was concerned over its control of mankind.
September 11- provides an insight into the seriousness of Power.
Power, and the lust for, is a biological characteristic borne in every human. Therefore, Consciously or subconsciously, everything we do revolves around the desire for power and the benefits that accompany it. Powerplay relates to Darwin’s theory of evolution the survival of the fittest, the ability to control or influence. It is the complex manipulation of power and power alliances on both an individual and group level. The texts Julius Caesar and the newspaper article ‘power reality means more anger, more bombs’ all display elements of powerplay. Julius Caesar is the Shakespearian telling of a part of the history of Rome. Of the dictator, Caesar who is conspired against and murdered in an effort to protect Rome. A powerful man is murdered in order for other people to gain power and influence. The newspaper article outlines how the conflict between many Muslims and westerners has become quite aggravated.
All characters have their own ambitions; in Julius Caesar the conspirators felt Caesar was too ambitious thus they killed him, as they wanted the best for the people. Some characters ambitions cross and others stay on their course. When the ambitions of the characters cross, the potence of power is so strong that people are caught in the ‘firing line.’ The ambitions of the conspirators crossed the ambitions of Caesar thus they killed him by stabbing. The ambitions of Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi/Muslim people crossed the ideas and ambitions of the allies thus warfare broke out and the result was death and destruction. These victims of crossed ambitions are not victims of murderers; they are victims of Power, because Power drove the people to disregard value for human life.
The conspirators felt that Julius Caesar was too ambitious for the role of dictator, even though he had turned down the offer of emperor times, which to many would not seem ambitious. Caesar wanted what was best for the people a people’s ruler not a ruler of the people. However Caesar’s reign was based around power and he loved the benefits he gained from his dictatorship. However, Caesar became a victim of power; when he turned down the option of becoming an emperor he immediately became more powerful in the eyes of society and the conspirators didn’t want him to have power, they wanted the power and they did what it took to gain Caesar’s power. His honourable companion Brutus became tainted by his involvement in the machinations of leadership that he turned against his life long friend. The play highlights how tenuous power can be and how even the strong can fall prey to those who are willing be more ruthless, cunning and manipulative. This shows how everything we do in our life is for the desire of power and the benefits we gain from power. Decent men are prompted to commit an act of murder because they trust to the professions of others all for the gain of power.
The text “Power reality means more anger, more bombs’- SMH, shows how when power paths cross- the result is often fatal. When different ideals collide they can often result in severe consequences. The allied forces have shown that their ideals and ambitions severely contradict or conflict with those of the Iraq parliament. The western civilisation has such superiority over that of Islam that the United States will for power by eradicating terrorism is hard for the Muslims to understand. They question how the US and its allies could simply dismiss Osama bin Laden and his al-Quaeda operatives as terrorists without debating the main question � why did they do it? With the crossed paths of the Iraqi’s and the allies a devastating war resulted at the cost of hundreds of innocent Muslim lives without the substantiation that Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed weapons of mass destruction and was linked to international terrorism. Because of these mere predictions people are essentially strung by their own ambitions, with no regard for others. George W. Bush simply wanted sweet revenge for September 11; his decision to wage war so he could gain more power was ridiculed and demonstrated against. He sent troops to go and kill Iraqi’s yet while doing it many infantry were killed, most as a result of friendly fire. Once again the struggle for power results in the deaths of innocent people. This is the biological characteristic that accompanies power.
Is powerplay just a game? People die, so no- it is one of our fatal flaws. Shakespeare conveys this anti-Power attitude when Caesar- the most powerful man on Earth, dies a victim’s death (as opposed to an Emperors death.) This proves that Shakespeare knew of the seriousness of Power, and was concerned over its control of mankind.
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