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Two people who value your prescribed text in different ways for different reasons are having a coonversation. Compose their conversation.
A- Hey B, we have been studying William Shakespears masterpiece King Lear in class, and i believe that it is the universal literary qualities of the etxt that allow it to be interpreted and performed in many different ways.
B- I agree. It is the texts universal themes of order,chaos, insight and blindness that allow many valid productions of the text. In fact, the interpretation i believe best reflects the aspects of the play is Richard Eyres 18 production of the play.
A- Is that the film version that focuses on family dynamics within a psychological reading?
B- Thats the one. Eyres interpretation focuses upon what he believes to be an unambiguously domestic play. Eyre concentrates of the dynamics within the Lear family and thus presents filial ingratitude and sibling rivalry as the cause of the plays tragic ending.
A- How does he achieve that?
B- Well, take the first scene of the play for example- act one scene one. In Eyres production of this scene, he uses staging and language to present his ideas. For example, the scene begins with a conversation between Gloucester and Kent who are disucssing Edmunds bastadry. This has been staged so that the audience can see that Endumnd is overhearing the conversation, that he has in fact heard his father called him a whoreson. This immediantley evokes sympathy for Edmund and, in the audiences eyes, sets in place justification for Edmunds later treatment of his father.
A- And how does Eyre treat Lears division of his kingdom?
B- Well, Lears authority is immediantly established through formal, rythmic language and the use of the royal plural we shall express our darker purpose. Eyre also has Lear sit st the head of a table to convey his authority over the people present.
A- Why does he use a table?
B- Becasue Eyre is focusing on famial relations, he wanted to get away from the idea that the division of the kingdom tool place in a court-like atmpsphere, but rather in a domestic atmosphere which is created by the table. Also, by sitting Lear and his family around a table, which represents domestic relationships while Lear is speaking about essentially political matters, Eyre is suggesting that Lear confuses his roles as father and king. The lagauge used by Lear towards his daughters also creates an obvious rivalry between his daughters. Lear introduces Goneril as our oldest, Regan as our second born and Cordelia as our joy which again sets in place justifcation for Goneril and Regans later treatment of their father.
A- Well the Interpretation that i believe best reflects aspects of the text is Peter Brookes 171 production becasue of its focus from chaos to order. It is a reductive, minamilist and slightly nihilistc work which essentailly forces audiences to form their own opinions about charcters and events of the play.
B- So how is Brookes reductive interpretation conveyed in the first scene?
A- Well the setting of the film is imprtant- winter in the Nettherlands. This creates a rather remote and detatched atmosphere to the production, which is introduced with a panning shot of motionless and expressionless faces in the opening shot. The fact the produciton is in black and white also adds to this atmosphere. Interestingly, Brooke left out the opening conversation between Gloucester and Kent, begining the play with Lears lines. Satging and constuming establishes Lears intimidating authority as he sits in a throne in the centre of the room, wearing a huge woolen coat which contrasts to the comparativley simple constumes of other characters. Close-up shots that encapsulate Lears entire faced durther convey that he is the most important person in the room. An orb is also used in this prodcution which is passed around to give people permission to speak.
B-Well that is vastly different to the more infomral approach Eyre adopted with his family reading.
A- Yes it is. And Booke has also taken the stpe of ommiting Coreldias asides from the opening scene, meaning that Brooke can achieve his sim of making audiences form their own opinions by portraying Cordelia as neither pitiable or saintly.
B- Well that is different! Eyre has continued with his familal interpretation in act five scene three, but has also added a christian aspect to the text. Eyre has used staging and langauge by having Lear speak his final lines look, look there while looking up into the heavens. This suggests that Lear is dying happy, believeing that he is going to heaven where he will join Cordelia. Eyre has also continued the family interpretation while maintaining textual integrity with the stage direction produce the bodies. The bodies of Lear, Goneril, Regan and Cordeila are bought onto stage on a cart, symbolising the domestic holocaust that has been the result of one family meeting at that iconic white table. Eyre has also made a fianl comment on what he believes to be a domestic play through dramatic irony in the final lines. Eyre has had Egdar speak his final line speak what we feel, and not what we ought to say while watching Lear and his daughters bodies being dragged off the stage. This makes and ironic and universal comment on relationships within all famalies.
A- Wow! Well Brooke certinly has taken a very different approach. Brookes interpretation ends unconclusivley in a barren wastelan. The unspecific nature of the set, as well as Lears dishevald appearance conveys the chaos that is in direct contrast to the first scene. Brroke has decided to leave out Edgars the weight of this sad time sppech, and instead end with a shot of Lears head tilting back, gradually becoming out of sight against a completely white sky. This expression of emptiness conveys thatr Lear is going neither to hevan or hell, hor that the state of the world is likely to get any better or worse. Ultimately this ending conveys that there is no hope for the future.
B- So the same play can convey an ending that validly expresses both a nihilist and christian ending?
A- Yes, that is the beauty of the play. The text can be manipluated and skewed, focusing on or ignoring particular themes, to give two different readings of exactly the same text!
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