Monday, 14 May 2012

greif and loss in four readings

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Frequently when authors discuss topics of death and grief, it provides a personal insight into his or her life. In the works of literature “Young Girl’s Wish,” by Amy Tan, “A Rose for Emily,” by William Falkner, “Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night,” by Dylan Thomas, and “Dulce et Decorum Est,” by Wilfred Owen, they each have unique attitudes toward the issue of death. Each author brings a different background into their writings, but they share the same pain which makes us human.

In “Young Girl’s Wish,” Amy Tan explores the Asian perspective of death. The unfortunate death of the character Big Ma is portrayed by Olivia, a Chinese-American traveling to her step sister’s homeland. “Yin people” are the Chinese version of a ghost. This being is revered and only a select few see these apparitions. Olivia’s step-sister, Kwan, sees her Aunt’s yin self after her unforseen death. Kwan says, “Big Ma...What has happened? How could this be?” as many do after they learn a loved one has died. The author’s attitude of denial towards a death of a love one is uniquely human. Tan goes on to reveal to the reader the girl’s acceptance of the girls death by symbolically releasing an owl at the close of the story.

“A Rose for Emily” deals with the more grusome aspect of death. Falkner delves into the mental illness of the character, Emily. The reader sees the ill character from the townspeople’s perspective so that there is a “window” in between the reader and the character’s mind. This private mind of Emily suffers an illness in which she is unable to let go of those she loves. Falkner explores more in depth, the human inability to percieve death. While, Kwan’s character in “A Young Girl’s Wish,” accepted the death of her Aunt more readily, the mental inability of Emily to let go of her father and fianc� portrayed a more sinister character. In this short story Falkner’s perspective on dying is gruesome, but occurs in many peoples minds. Humans desire for those close to them to live forever is yet again expressed.

Owen’s poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est,” is a riviting work of literature that renders a vivid picture of a war scene. Owen’s attitude towards death is unlike the short stories. He portrays the unnamed soldier, the life that is lost and no one cries or tries frequently to revive the lost body. “In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,/ He plunges at me , guttering, choking, drowning” cries the narrator. The author represents a helpless soldier unable to help a dying comrade. This also is a feeling many humans feel when they can no longer do anything for a weakening loved one.

Thomas’s villanelle, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”, portrays an angered man at the nearing of his father’s death. “Rage, rage against the dying light,” he proclaims. This again goes back to human desire for immortality. Thomas’s attitude towards death is that it should not be accepted so readily, that the dying man should fight for life. Human selfishness is also explored in the poem “Curse, bless me now with you fierce tears, I pray,” says the narrator. Individuals often do not think of the pain that their loved one is feeling, but only that of there own pain.

These short stories and poems provide insight into four different views on death that lead to the same assumptions the human desire for immortality and a hatred as well as curiosity towards the subject of death. Amy Tan’s process of acceptance, Falkner’s denile, Owen’s helplessness, and Thomas’s anger are all natural human feelings when going through the process of grieving a loved one.

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