Thursday, 19 April 2012

Hitler's Search for Religous Artifacts During WWII

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We all know that Adolf Hitler was the primary catalyst for the emergence of the Third Reich in18 Germany. But there are many things that are overshadowed by his lust for genocidal world domination and the advancement of the Aryan race. One of these being his untiring search for objects of great religious and historical significance. There were three such objects he sought after throughout the span of the Second World War. The first being the Holy Lance thought to be used by the Roman centurion, Gais Cassius, to pierce the side of Christ during the final hour of His life. The second was the Holy Grail, which fame has always been attributed to for being the cup Jesus last drank from. And finally, the revered Arch of the Covenant in which the Ten Commandments of Moses, amongst other pieces of Biblical artifact, were said to be housed. Hitlers obsession with these three objects lead his notorious S.S. all over Europe in search of them, as well as depleted much monetary and military resource. In the writing to follow will be a piece-by-piece explanation of the history of these artifacts as well as the division and execution of his plan to obtain them. Keep in mind that these three things were said to give their holder unimaginable power coupled with eternal life.

First a detailed historical account of the Spear of Gais Cassius, also known as the Lance of Longinus. This is the least widely known of the three but had the most significant impact in WWII and could possibly be labeled as the “Backbone” of historic military dominance throughout Europe. As stated before, the spear was said to be used to spare Jesus of Nazareth the grueling suffocation attributed to crucifixion. It is believed the spear contained in its hilt one of the very nails used to Hang Christ to the cross. Since the rise of Christianity the lance has been in numerous military theatres and in the hands of great leaders and conquerors. Alaric was said to posses it when he sacked Rome in 410 A.D. as well as Charles Martel in his defeat of the Muslims in 7 A.D. Constantine the Great claimed the spear guided him by “Divine Providence” in his victory at Milvian Bridge, which lead to the establishment of Christianity as the official religion of the Holy Roman Empire. After this victory, the spear was regarded as a symbol of ultimate power by the Empire. But all was not gain in the site of the great Lance. True, it did grant a sorted invincibility to its bearer; but if possession was lost death was never far behind. Charlemagne carried the lance through forty-seven straight victories. In his next battle it is said that for a brief moment Charlemagne dropped the spear and was immediately smote down. The same was said of Frederick of Barbossa who was shot in the eye by arrow when he dropped the spear while fording a stream. Even Napoleon Bonaparte chased after it all throughout Europe in his quest for world dominance, but was continually foiled by religious guardians smuggling it out of reach. In all forty-five emperors over a period of 1000 years claimed the spear of destiny. In the early 0th century, it was briefly in the possession of Kaiser Wilhelm, before eventually ending up the Hapsburg Treasure House in Vienna. It was there, in September of 11, where Adolf Hitler first laid his eyes upon it. Here is an account of what Hitler said when he saw the spear

I knew with immediacy that this was an important moment in my life...I stood there quietly gazing upon it for several minutes, quite oblivious to the scene around me. It seemed to carry some hidden inner meaning which evaded me, a meaning which I felt I inwardly knew, yet could not bring to consciousness...I felt as though I myself had held it in my hands before in some earlier century of history - that I myself had once claimed it as my talisman of power and held the destiny of the world in my hands. What sort of madness was this that was invading my mind and creating such turmoil in my breast?

Adolf Hitler seized the Spear in the name of the Third Reich on March 1th, 18, the day he annexed Austria. It was shipped via an armored SS train to Nuremberg on October 1th (the same date that the Knights Templar were destroyed centuries earlier), where it remained for six years in St. Catherines Church before being moved to an underground vault for protection. On April 0th, 145 at 10 p.m. Lt. Walter William Horn of the United States army took possession of it in the name of the U.S. government. At 0pm of the same day Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun reportedly committed suicide in a bunker outside Berlin. This is also on the same day that General Patch’s 7th army unit took the city of Munich and thus causing the fall of the Third Reich. The spear was then placed back in the Hapsburg Museum in Vienna after much rebuttal by General Patton who had also became fascinated with it and wanted brought back to the U.S. Also composer Richard Wagner’s Parsival was an opera written about a quest for it.

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The Holy Grail was thought to be the cup or challis that Christ drank from when he took part in his last supper with his disciples shortly before his Crucifixion. Hitler wanted this challis because it was believed that whomever drank of it would live forever. NAZI leader Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland in search of the Holy Grail. Mystery surrounds the mission of Hess, whose plane was shot down over Scotland during the Second World War on a mission to capture the prized relic for Hitler. Hess flew to Scotland on May 10, 141, after being told by SS officer Otto Rahn the Grail could be in Rosslyn Chapel. Rumors of a secret vault in the chapel, in Midlothian, are well documented and the Knights Templar, whose ancestors are in the vault, believe it holds many secrets including the Holy Grail and the head of John the Baptist. It has always been claimed Hess was heading to Scotland on a peace mission. But there are those who believe there was secret agenda behind Hesss trip. It is believes that it was part of a number of missions ordered by Hitler to hunt down the cup of eternal life. Tales of Hitler’s obsession with the Holy Grail have been widely documented. During the war it was believed Himmler set up a top-level occult group and it was believed German High Command decisions were influenced by advice given by Hitler’s personal Japanese astrologer. Hitler also sent a battalion to Montsegur about 0km from Rennes-le-Chateau to excavate for the Grail. The SS officers, who included archaeologists, hunted until they found treasure, but no Grail. Following this it is believed a second operation was planned, this time focusing on Rossyln Chapel and Hess was sent ahead to investigate, but he was captured and made a prisoner of war when his plane was shot down. That was as far as Hitler ever got in search of the Grail.

Next was the Ark of the Covenant. Although this is probably the most widely known because of Hollywood and Raider’s of the Lost Ark; it was the farthest from Hitler’s hands. There are so many fabled places it is held and Hitler spent much time and resource searching them out. One place was Axum, Ethiopia. It is believed that is why he started his African Front, sending Romell to find this city and the famous St. Mary of Zion cathedral, where it is believed it was held. The war ended before they ever made it that far. He also searched the Balkans extensively for it but came up with nothing. Some conspiracy theorists believe that part of his motive for the genocide of the Jews involved the Ark. Supposedly Hitler believed if the Jews found it first they could use it to harness God’s power to conquer the world and set up a Global Jewish state. But nothing ever came of his searching. To this day, no one knows where the Ark lies. It is shrouded in mystery and religious fear.

There is much evidence to be read on whether or not Hitler’s motives were religiously based. He was believed to have been involved in black magic or occult like influences. But no one knows for sure. One thing is for sure though. He was very close to achieving his plan for world dominance. It is important that we learn as much as we can from our past, as not to repeat such atrocities in the future.

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