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KelsoQueso Hey! whats going no
KelsoQueso on
RedsNumb not much u???
Write my paper for me!!!
KelsoQueso Just attempting to do some homework
KelsoQueso fairly unsuccessfully
RedsNumb haha word
RedsNumb I seeee
KelsoQueso well its just that family guy is MUCH more interesting
KelsoQueso how about you
RedsNumb oh its awesome
KelsoQueso you bet your ass it is! So what ar eyou up to
RedsNumb oh you know, just woke up hahaha
KelsoQueso that seems very nice
RedsNumb hehe
RedsNumb how was your weekend?
KelsoQueso It was pretty good, my roommates boyfriend came here from Chicago so I slept at my sisters to give them some privacy....
KelsoQueso how about you
RedsNumb I see, it was okay
KelsoQueso OH yeah?
RedsNumb yep
KelsoQueso anything interesting?
RedsNumb hmmm, not really just hung out I guess
RedsNumb u?
KelsoQueso Well it was cool, my boyfriend came here from Greeley for two days... so that was fun
RedsNumb oh thats awesome
KelsoQueso for sure
RedsNumb whats his name?
KelsoQueso Ryan Dorsey... he went to Regis...
RedsNumb oh I know that name
KelsoQueso I think Ive talked about him with you before...
RedsNumb oh okay, thats probably why
KelsoQueso haha yeah perhaps...
RedsNumb well cool, how long has it been?
KelsoQueso I think he knows who you are
KelsoQueso ummmm 11 months
RedsNumb oh wow
KelsoQueso Iknow!
RedsNumb tied down yet?
KelsoQueso its pretty impressive for me... tied down how?
RedsNumb cant go out tonight, hanging out with my boyfriend
KelsoQueso No no not really, especially since he goes to greeley... and Im in boulder. But even when Im with him we like to go out
KelsoQueso I think thats why it works so well
KelsoQueso ya know?
KelsoQueso none of the bullshit
RedsNumb oh thats good
KelsoQueso Definitely... how about you? Any ladies?
RedsNumb oh you know
RedsNumb just dating right now
RedsNumb girls are SCANDALOUS
KelsoQueso Thats a good way to go...
KelsoQueso scandalous how!
RedsNumb oh just in general
KelsoQueso explain
RedsNumb just into themselves
KelsoQueso yeah that kinda blows
RedsNumb no doubt
KelsoQueso but its cool youre doing your own thing right now
KelsoQueso hows work
RedsNumb fo sho
RedsNumb pretty good
KelsoQueso thats good... business been good?
RedsNumb yeah not too bad, make my own schedule so thats good
RedsNumb hows school?
KelsoQueso fuck yeah!
KelsoQueso that rocks!
RedsNumb no doubt
KelsoQueso Well school is school... I have my fall break on the nd
KelsoQueso so Im very excited
RedsNumb oh nice
KelsoQueso definitely
RedsNumb hey do you have any pics?
KelsoQueso hmmm... Well let me see... Iknow that my sister was gonna send some of us.. but she wont get a chance till tonight.
KelsoQueso let me look around
RedsNumb cool, just havent seen you in awhile!
KelsoQueso seriously! Do you have any?
RedsNumb lemme check
KelsoQueso well I have one... kinda, its the cast of people in a play I directed...
KelsoQueso but im in the pic
KelsoQueso if you want it
RedsNumb for sure redsnumb@hotmail.com
KelsoQueso ok im sending them
RedsNumb yeah, hey whats you email?
KelsoQueso theyre kinda shitty pics
RedsNumb oh quite
RedsNumb quiet
KelsoQueso but its cool... Kelsoqueso@aol.com
KelsoQueso hehe its ok
RedsNumb k
KelsoQueso tell me if you have trouble identifying which is me
RedsNumb haha k
KelsoQueso it has been a while
KelsoQueso did you find any pics of yourself?
RedsNumb yeah, working on it
KelsoQueso k right on
KelsoQueso I dont think you got one of my pics
RedsNumb oh yea?
KelsoQueso did you get two?
RedsNumb havent gotten any yet..
KelsoQueso really?
KelsoQueso here let me try again
KelsoQueso k
KelsoQueso I only sent one this tim
KelsoQueso time
RedsNumb k, I just sent one too
RedsNumb sorry, only one i could find
KelsoQueso awesome... its cool, did you get mine
RedsNumb nope
KelsoQueso geez whats the deal
KelsoQueso I havent gotten yours yet either
RedsNumb what in the world
KelsoQueso what?
RedsNumb I hate computers
KelsoQueso I feel ya
KelsoQueso what happened
RedsNumb fuck
RedsNumb I have no idea
KelsoQueso well shit
RedsNumb shit is right, oh well
RedsNumb so what are you up to?
KelsoQueso Not doing my homework, just chilling to some music
KelsoQueso how about you
RedsNumb some zeppelin?
RedsNumb hahaha
RedsNumb I love it
KelsoQueso haha that was a very safe bet.. but im just listening to a mix and right now is Hotel California by Eagles
KelsoQueso but Imworking on it
RedsNumb good work
KelsoQueso hell yeah!
RedsNumb listen to you, all classic rock
KelsoQueso I know! But its good stuff! I mean, how could anyone RESIST!
RedsNumb oh hey, I agree
RedsNumb went to the boss on thursday
KelsoQueso Good, Im damn glad to hear it... Ahh good old Bruce
KelsoQueso Hes not my fave though... I know weve talked about this before
RedsNumb yeah, unfortunately
RedsNumb haha
KelsoQueso Maybe I ll work to get into it
RedsNumb hes god, for real
KelsoQueso Ok fine! Ill arrange something
RedsNumb hehe
KelsoQueso I definitely am all for expanding my music library
RedsNumb word
KelsoQueso unless its country....
KelsoQueso although you like country dont you?
RedsNumb I do, yeah, its alright tho, if you get into bruce, were cool
RedsNumb haha
KelsoQueso Ok then Ive gotta do what Ive gotta do... at least Bruce is a sacrifice im willing to make... I just cant get in to county
RedsNumb hey thats alright, like I said, were cool
KelsoQueso Well damn it Chris, Im glad to hear it... I really like talkin to ya!
RedsNumb haha, ditto
KelsoQueso but im kinda bummed that your pics didnt come through... I havent seen you since I was like a sophomore... or something
RedsNumb oh no kidding
RedsNumb it really hasnt yet?
KelsoQueso No!
KelsoQueso Im pissed
KelsoQueso you should try again
RedsNumb k, hold up
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