Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Reelection of Congress

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Whether they are safe or marginal, cautious or audacious, congressmen must constantly engage in activities related to reelection. There will be differences in emphasis, but all members share the root need do activities day in and day out during their terms. For example, advertising, credit claiming, and position taking.

The first activity is advertising. A successful congressman builds what amounts to a brand name, which may have a generalized electoral value for other politicians in the same family. The personal qualities to emphasize are experience, knowledge, responsiveness, concern, sincerity, independence, and the like. Just getting one’s name across is difficult enough, only about half the electorate, if asked, can supply their House members’ names. It helps a congressman to be known. “In the main, recognition carries a positive valence, to be perceived at all is to be perceived favorably.” A vital advantage enjoyed by house incumbents is that they are much better known among voters than their November challengers. They are better known because they spend a great deal of time, energy, and money trying to make them better known. There are standard routines frequent visits to the constituency; nonpolitical speeches to home audiences, the sending out of infant care booklets and letters of condolence and congratulation. Of 158 House


members questioned, 11 said that they regularly sent newsletters to their constituents, 48 wrote separate news or opinion columns for newspapers, 8 regularly reported to their constituencies by radio or television, 8 regularly sent out mail questionnaires. Congressional advertising is done largely at public expense. Use of the franking privilege has mushroomed in recent years, in the early 17 one estimate predicted that House and Senate members would send out about 476 million pieces of mail in the year 174, at a public cost of $8.1 million or about 00,000 pieces per member with a subsidy of 70000 per member.

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A second activity may be called credit claiming, which can be defined as acting so as to generate a belief in a relevant political actor that one is personally responsible for causing the government or some unit thereof, to do something that the actor considers desirable. The political logic of this, from the congressman’s point of view, is that an actor who believes that a members can make pleasing thins happen will no doubt wish to keep him in office so that he can make pleasing thins happen in the future. The emphasis here is on individual accomplishment rather than governmental accomplishment and on the congressman as doer rather tan expounder of constituency views. Credit claiming is highly important to congressmen, with the consequence that much of congressional life is a relentless search for opportunities to engage in it.

The third activity congressmen engage in may be called position taking, which means the public enunciation of a judgmental statement on anything likely to be of interest to political actors. The most important examples of judgmental statements are those prescribing American governmental ends, which a vote cast against the war, or


governmental means, which state “the way to end the war is to take it to the UN”). The judgments may be implicit rather than explicit, as in “I will support the president on this matter.”

In conclusion, these are three basic activities that congressmen do during his term. Congressman must constantly engage in activities related to reelection.

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