Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Theme: Death

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Death is an irreversible cessation of life, which involves a complete change in the status of a living entity and the loss of essential characteristics. Death is inevitable, it is just a way of life that we all have to learn to accept and welcome in our lives.

It has been stated by a number of groups of people that individuals have the right to die. Death has been seen as when the soul leaves the body, when the body ceases the ability of vital functions breathing and circulation of blood, when your brain loses activity, and when your neocortex, higher centers of your brain, stops working.

There are several layers that take place during the process of death. The first layer that happens is the somatic death, which is the death of the whole organism. It is marked by cessation of heartbeat, respiration, reflexes, and brain damage. Algor Mortis is the second layer, which is when the body cools after death and is influenced by the environment. Rigor Mortis, the third layer, is the stiffening of skeletal muscles, begins from five to ten hours after death and disappears after three or four days. Livor Mortis, the fourth layer, is the reddish blue discoloration that occurs on the underside of the body after death. This results from the settling of the blood. Clotting and autolysis, the fifth layer, begin shortly after death, and so does autolysis, which is the death of cells. Putrefaction, the sixth layer, is the decomposition on the body, which is caused by the action of enzymes and bacteria.

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Many times people are often making mistakes and think a person is dead, but in fact, there are a few states that look like death. Those states are coma, faint, and trance. These states make it hard to tell the timing of somatic death.

When someone dies, it makes people sad. It has been said that those who keep these sad and painful feelings inside for too long, it is not good. “That is what we have so often been encouraged to do. But you know, it is pretty hard to kiss someone who is keeping a stiff lip”. What that means is basically, if one is to keep all the pain and suffering inside, it will soon become unbearable. This often leads to death.

Americans like to deny death. Americans are said to fear death, so they deny it. If that denial becomes complete, it may require “defenses which can only be destructive”. There are five levels of death denial. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These are Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ five levels of complete death. Denial is seen as bad, even though it is as a temporary buffer, it is good. If a person is given enough time, the person can reach a point of acceptance.

Dealing with death is sad. When someone dies and you are feeling bad, talk to someone. It has been noted that whenever you are openly grieving about a loss of a family member, loved one, or a friend, it can help to resolve some fears and reluctance to accept the death of that person.

Death is seen differently by adults and children. Most adults can deal with someone death, but children have a harder time. Children see death as “an impermanent thing that has little distinction”. That means that children believe that when someone dies, they will come back and see them again, this is because they do not fully understand the process of death.

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