Tuesday, 27 March 2012


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Belarus has many sports teams and has many things to do. What kind of sports do Belorussians succeed in is a hard question to answer. The succeed in almost every sport though, but especially good in gymnastic, rowing, wrestling, biathlon, judo, and a few others. There is also history to many different kinds of Belarusian music.

Belarusians also succeed in soccer and hockey which they compete in regularly. The leading international goal scorer for the Belarusian soccer team is currently Sergei Gerasimets with seven goals. The Hockey team of Belarus is also good. They compete in every olypmics and give some of the better teams, such as the United States, Canada, and Russia, some tough competition. Some of the Belarusian hockey players playing the NHL (National Hockey League) such as Andrei Kovalev..

Basic rock and pop traditions in Belarusian music were established already in the soviet time by the well known on the territory of the USSR groups Pesniary, Siabry, Verasy.

New period in Belarusian rock music has started after disintegration of the Soviet Union and is mainly associated with such bands as Krama, Ulis, Tornado, N.R.M (formerly Mroya), which still exist and perform on concerts. Other modern big names are Neuro-dubel, Hasta La Fillsta, The Stoks, and the Little Blues Band.

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Belarus has gained some tangible resultsfrom pop music in this sphere and Belarusian pop performers became popular at least on the territory of former USSR. The big names today are first of all Lika, Lyapis Trubetskoy, and Boris Moiseev.

Dance music is developing quickly in Belarus and there are many admirers among the youth. There is quite a number of bands performing in this style mainly in clubs, on discos and small concerts, though none of them have gained any significant popularity beyond national borders. Locally recognized are bands like Drum XTC, Autism, KaslukaDakovalioy, and the Lepricons.

Some places to go for entertainment and site seeing are castles and churches. There are plenty of XII-XIV centuries Castles left in Belarus. Most of them half destroyed. Some (in Mir, Nyasvizh, Zaslaue, Lida, Kamianec) are reasonably preserved. You can still find XII century orthodox churches in Hrodna, Mahilyow, Polacak, Navahradak, etc. There are beautiful and mighty catholic churches (XIV-XVI cc.) well preserved in Hrodna, Vitebsk, and Vidzy.

You can also visit the park of Belaveza where the european relative of buffalo - Zoobr- has survived. This park is shared between Belarus and Poland and is probably the last piece of primeval European forest. Typical landscapes include pine and mixed woods (1/ of territory is covered by forest), small hills (the highest point of Belarus - Navahrudak - is 00m above the sea). Belarus is a country of thousands of lakes. You could also do some bird watching in the vast fields, forests and marshlands of Belarus.

Mind that the sample papers like Belarus presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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