Tuesday, 3 July 2012

gays in the media and military

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Why is it that when a gay is exposed in the military, the country halts and pays full attention to the fact that a “queer” might be fighting for this great nation? And why is it that an entire state can be shocked by the community who’s football team’s star quarterback is a “fag?”

Will it matter then if the soldier leads this country into battle as an integral part of the army? And will it matter then if that quarterback leads the team to the state championship? Most likely, it won’t.

On top of the negativity that exists about gays/lesbians in the media one of the biggest concerns homosexuals have is lack of representation (in the media.)

There have been numerous gay rights marches, speakers, and not so pleasant beatings and brutal killings that somehow don’t make it to the news scene. In fact, in 15, 1% of 7,47 bias-motivated crimes reported to the FBI were committed out of sexual-orientation bias. (Hate Crime Statistics, 5.) While there are some, typically, there are no reports of these happenings in newspapers or television shows. However, there are a tremendous amount of half hour shows on what celebrities wore to the Grammy’s and who can survive on secluded island-eating bugs for six weeks. Where are our countries values?

The gay and lesbian community in this country has fought over countless incidents of negative feelings and prejudices in their role in the military and on high school teams. In the past 0 years they have strived to gain political, social, and religious respect, though the fight is still far from over. Some feel gays have made incredible strides, while others feel there has been little to no improvement from the

160-70’s. (Israel, 1.)

Not only should the gay and lesbian community receive coverage in the news, the attention given should be positive. In order to cast the proper view of homosexuals, the ever so important media needs to promote the educational basis to the public that will aid people in becoming more receptive and tolerant. (Israel, 17.) The media has such a large impact and influence on our society, thus the media’s bias plays a large role in what the country sees and how they see it.

Dr. Dane S. Claussen, the Assistant Professor of Communications & Mass Media at Southwest Missouri State University, believes that the following issues could have received much more media attention “men’s efforts to be openly gay Boy Scout leaders and several boys’ efforts to be openly gay Boy Scouts, the situation of men who are or are not openly gay in college fraternities, or would like to join college fraternities; gay athletes in high school, college and professional sports.” (Claussen) Opposing that are those who feel that the coverage of those issues is a little too much to ask. The media likes to focus on important eye catching material that will lure viewers, readers, or listeners. Media tends to cover HIV/AIDS, same-sex marriage, gay/lesbian parents adopting or retaining custody of children, gays/lesbians in the military, gay/lesbian politicians and entertainers, gay/lesbian characters and themes in television shows and movies, gay pride parades, and the role of gays/lesbians in organized religions because these issues are headliners. However, there are some alarming statistics that go unnoticed due to this topic’s lack of popularity.

For example, in 15, male homosexuals were the victims of the second largest amount of bias-violence to blacks who had the highest numbers. (Hate Crime Statistics, 1.) Yet the issues previously mentioned are just the controversial topics, the particular one’s the public is interested in. Underneath all of this is the reality that there really is little to no coverage of gays/lesbians in the media. (Claussen.) All the media covers are these particular issues, not the “typical homosexual” who is left in the background. The problem is, all gays aren’t afflicted with HIV/AIDS and all homosexuals are not in the military. There aren’t many gay entertainers and not all gay/lesbian parents have made the choice to adopt a child. The media tends to focus on specific examples that pertain to only a fraction of the gay community. With only bias coverage on gay/lesbian lifestyle, it is no wonder that the American public cannot see homosexuals as anything more then what these incidents portray gays/lesbians to be. Unfortunately the media does not give their reports in raw form. Everything we see, hear or read has been edited first. Through this careful selection process, important information may have been tossed, but no matter, the work is still produced. Unless having a first hand experience, the public has to rely on what the media shows them. If they (the media) show nothing at all, then the public takes their own views and opinions and shapes them, more often then not, into hatred. On the other hand, had gays/lesbians been shown as people just like you and me, the risk of hate crimes in this country towards gays/lesbians would most likely be reduced.

A vivid example of the media’s coverage of the gay/lesbian community is the controversial topic of gays/lesbians in the military in recent years. It began receiving media attention when more and more soldiers were “suing the U.S. Government to allow them to remain in the service…” (Claussen.) Although the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue” policy has been implemented in U.S. forces, military officials believe it is not as effective as they may have hoped because some have been using this as an “out” from grueling military service, yet gay and lesbian organizations disagree. In the coverage the media has given this controversial matter, one important fact seemed to be left out. This one important fact has the potential to be what changes people’s views and may make some see how gays and lesbians serving in the military isn’t really all that bad. The media fails to report that there are numerous gays and lesbians serving in the military who have not been discharged by the personnel around them who are aware of their homosexuality. That forgotten fact is crucial.

Also, “once again the ethnocentric U.S. media have almost entirely overlooked the fact that openly gay men serve in other countries militaries without harming morale or effectiveness; are U.S. journalists so completely ignorant of the world, do they think the Unites States are so different from other countries and has nothing to learn from them, and/or do they support the U.S. military’s prejudice and ignorance? We do not know.” (Claussen) Dr. Claussen is saying that our country must be so arrogant that we cannot take and learn from other nations tolerance and acceptance of others. I agree with him because the U.S. really has a lot to learn in order to live up to the potential of one great nation, “for liberty and justice for all.”

In case you’re wondering, no, I’m not a lesbian. Maybe one would think that I am because I chose this topic, but I’m not. I just feel that it is crucial for the public to have important information concerning gays/lesbians at their (the public’s) disposal. Also, aside from mentioning only particular interests, I think it would be beneficial for the media to promote gay/lesbian awareness and include the positive aspects of their lifestyle and strides they’ve made as opposed to only defeats and hate crimes.

Before writing this paper, prejudices against the gay/lesbian community always concerned me because one of my best friends is a lesbian. She is not mentioned in newscasts or articles because she is considered to be a “normal” lesbian. That meaning she hasn’t adopted a child, or become affected with the HIV/AIDS virus. She’s just her, nothing special or fancy; she’s just a lesbian; she’s just Jen.

Unfortunately, I think to some extent that there will always be intolerance in society, whether it’s racial, religious or based on sexual preference. Hopefully, with the media’s help on their side, the gay/lesbian community can take hold of the public and show them that same sex relationships do not make them (gay/lesbian people) the devil, as many with anti views feel. I find it sad that no matter how big this society’s media grows, it’ll never be powerful unless it starts letting the discriminated minority in.

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