Friday, 13 July 2012

Children should be allowed to read fairy tales

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Fairy tales usually tell stories in order to entertain people. Some fairy tales teach lessons that are useful but some do not. For example, people can learn a lot about some important values such as honesty and courage, and some bad behaviors such as curiosity and disobedience, when reading fairy tales. Fewer children read fairy tales nowadays. People argue about the importance of fairy tales, some think that they are not appropriate for young children and some think that they are helpful for children social growth. Fairy tales that teach valuable lessons should be advised to children, in order to help their education.

Fairy tales such as “Little Red cap” teach people, especially young children, how important it is to listen to older people and how dangerous it is to be naïve. When Little red cap was leaving home for her grandmother’s house, her mother told her “You’d better start now before it gets too hot, and when you’re out in the wood, walk properly and don’t stray from the path” (Grimm and Grimm 14). But the little girl did not do what she was told. Instead of going straight to her grandmother’s, Little Red Cap stopped on the road to talk to the wolf. And when the wolf asked her to know where her grandmother was living, she told him without hesitation how to find the house. She did not even think that the wolf could have planned to harm her grandmother and worse to eat her too; she was really naïve. Being naïve and not listening to her mother turned out to be fatal because when she got to her destination, she got eaten by the wolf that had eaten the grandmother before. But as stories usually finish in a good way in fairy tales, Little Red cap and her grandmother were saved by a hunter. The little girl realized now how important it was to listen to her mother, thinking “Never again will you stray from the path and go to the woods, when your mother has forbidden it” (Grimm and Grimm 16).

When reading this fairy tale, children will automatically know that if they do not listen to their parents, they get themselves in some really difficult situations. Nobody wants to be in a dangerous situation, in addition, children are really afraid when they learn that something harmful could happen to them if they do not do what they are told. Therefore, they will manage to take everything their parents and older people tell them in consideration just because they want to be safe. It is a great value to care about the advice of others, and having this value helps a lot in today’s world. It helps people have easier relationships with others. A child who possesses this value in his early childhood already has an advantage because he will always use people’s advice when struggling in a situation. Most of the times fairy tales are interesting and children are never bored when they read or when they listen them. The good point is that is addition of being entertained by the stories; children also learn the lesson that the stories tell. So in some ways, , fairy tales are an easy way to teach children some real values that they should have.

Fairy tales can also motivate children. For example, after reading “Hansel and Gretel”, some children can learn that being courageous is a great value that can help them in so many situations. In the story, Hansel and Gretel are abandoned by their parents in the middle of the forest. If they had stayed there crying, they would not have gotten back to home; they would have ended up dead. Their strong desire to survive and to go back to home made them courageous. They knew that the only way to succeed was not to cry, but to fight their fears and to think a lot. At this moment, the reader can notice the manifest of the two children’s courage. Even when Hansel knew that they were lost in the forest, he kept on telling to Gretel “We’ll find our way back” (Grimm and Grimm 187). Many people would have just lost any hope of finding their way back. Once again when the two children got trapped by the old witch, when everything seemed to be lost, Gretel found a way to have the old witch go in the oven and then she died. This Idea to trap the old witch in her own oven just came out of the little girl’s imagination, as everything was lost. Reading this part, one can notice that the fact of being courageous also helped Gretel be clever. Being in a hopeless situation, courage was not enough to escape, they needed cleverness too. Therefore one can assume that cleverness is also an important value. Without any courage and cleverness, Hansel and Gretel would have not survived.

Little children who read “Hansel and Gretel” Learn that courage and cleverness are more important than strength. Courageous people always get strength from their courage and therefore, they can free themselves from any difficult situation. Would Hansel and Gretel be safe if they stayed in the forest crying? Any child who will read this story will try to be as courageous and as clever as Hansel and Gretel.

Nowadays, there are some values that are difficult to teach to people. Children are more difficult to educate well. But we still need some values such as Honesty, hardiness, and courage. How should we teach these values to today’s children? We might even think that it is impossible and that these values are lost forever. But when looking closely, it is noticeable that fairy tales that carry important values will teach them to children. What children learn during childhood is really important many people think “Early childhood programs benefit individual children, but they can produce even larger indirect benefits for the larger community. Many Americans believe such programs are a public good, worthy of public investment, but recognize that public resources are not unlimited”. It means that part of their future depends on their childhood. In addition, children consider the characters in fairy tales and make them their heroes. They will try to copy their heroes’ behaviors.

Mind that the sample papers like Children should be allowed to read fairy tales presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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