Tuesday, 5 June 2012


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It would be wrong to paint the developing world as the repository of all human misery, very wrong. Progress is being made. In the past four decades life expectancy has increased by some 0 years, while the infant mortality rate has fallen by more than half. Writes-Concern Chief Executive David Begg.

As Begg states aid is making progress and it is centred in the changing role of women in these developing societies. In Ireland gender equality is taken for granted but this is not the case in the developing world.

In the poverty stricken country of Azerbaijan females are treated as second class citizens. Efforts to prevent this are being made by the International Rescue Committee though aid. They train women as community health outreach workers, focusing on the issues such as basic first aid, reproductive health, pre and post-natal care, nutrition, hygiene, and immunizations. This is giving the women the opportunity to put back into their country what they receive from others.

It cannot be argued that women hold the key to poverty eradication, and education is the key to women’s empowerment. Aid investments in education for girls is the single most effective way of reducing poverty. Like in Afghanistan where for the past 0 years the IRC has been training Afghan women to be teachers and school administrators, so that their children have educational opportunities and they can provide an income for their families.

Lady’s and gentlemen, research has shown that women with even a few years of basic education are economically more productive, have smaller, healthier families, and are more likely to send their own children to school. Yet almost two out of every three illiterate people are women. In Mozambique class-rooms have been built to accommodate more than 000 children. Financial and technical support for teacher training has been supplied. While in the war torn country of Liberia Concern provides aid helping local communities repair and restore damaged schools. Parent-teacher association provided labour and some materials. Concern provided tools, materials and technical assistance.

It is often said that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Women of the developing world have the right to this statement and so deserve legal protection. Maria Minna Canada’s Minister for international cooperation contributed $46000 on behalf of the Canadian International Development agency to a legal aid project that concentrates on protecting and promoting the rights of women and children in Tanzania. The aid project allowed them to make better use of the judicial system that will protect them and give them the stamina to take one step closer to the male dominant society.

My friends, equal access to land and property, water and education will not only aid women in the developing world, but improve development prospects. In Somaliland women get this opportunity. Here the IRC runs small enterprise development aid projects for women. The project helps women start up small retail outlets for seeds, hand tools and other agricultural supplies as well as types of shops and businesses.

Removing barriers to women’s equality will release a massive, under-valued stock of human potential, with benefits for all. There is now little remaining doubt that discrimination against women and poverty go hand in hand.

Mind that the sample papers like Aid presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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